Fish frenzy

In the morning try to walk to the office but it starts raining so I turn around and go back home. Watch YouTube videos. Feed the fish. They go into a frenzy just like every other day. In the afternoon walk to the office during a break in the rain. Work for a while. Walk home. Decide to take a nap. Feel tired today.

Crisp and colorful out here

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. The judge appoints me to a new case. Drive home. Walk to the office. Do a consultation with a client at the House of Correction over Zoom. Walk home. Eat lunch. Drive back to the courthouse for another hearing. Drive home. Later walk down to the lakefront. It is crisp and colorful out here. Walk west on Juneau Avenue. Walk back home.

Scooping something out of the lake

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for three hearings and a jail visit. Drive home. Eat lunch. In the afternoon drive back to the courthouse for another hearing. Drive home. Later walk down to the lakefront. See a barge with a huge crane scooping stuff out of the lake. Keep walking. Walk north to the Art Museum. Walk west on Juneau Avenue. Walk home. At night watch “Midway” (1976).

Fencing on the Horn Bridge

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for consultations. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work on several files. Walk home. Later walk down to the lakefront. See the new fencing on the Horn Bridge. They are trying to stop the jumpers. Walk north by the Art Museum. Walk up to Juneau Avenue. Walk west to Water Street. Walk back home. At night watch “…And Justice For All” (1979).

West to 124th Street

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for jury trial. Case is dismissed. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work on several files. Walk home. Drive to Hawley Road. Walk west to 124th Street. Walk back to my car. Drive home. At night watch “Amadeus” (1984).

Snowfall in Racine

In the morning wake up to snowfall. Drive south to Racine. Park downtown. Get out and walk around the marina. Walk along Lake Michigan out to Three Mile Road. Walk west to Douglas Avenue. Walk south back to downtown Racine. Get in my car and drive home.

Walk east on Highway K

In the morning walk to the office. Work all morning. Walk home. In the afternoon drive south to the A&W on Highway K. Get out and walk east through Franksville. Walk south to Highway 20. Walk back north along the frontage road to my car. Drive home.

Thanksgiving leftovers

In the morning walk to the office. Work all morning. Walk home. Eat a plate of leftovers from Thanksgiving. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Throw out a bag of Thanksgiving leftover buns for the geese and some ducks. Walk north to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a cheeseburger. Walk home in the dark.

Packers for Thanksgiving

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. Clean up around the house. Walk back to the office to finish transferring the files from the old computer to the new one. Walk home. Drive to Heather’s house. Go in to watch the Packers beat the Lions, 29-22. Eat Thanksgiving dinner. Drive home.

Xena sings a beautiful song

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a while. Drive to Lorena’s house. Run around the backyard with Xena. She sings a beautiful song about seeing God in heaven and peace and love here on Earth. It is incredible. We have fun. Drive home. In the afternoon walk north to UW-Milwaukee. Walk back home as it gets dark. My feet hurt. Blame the shoes. Toss them out.