
In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for several hearings. Walk over to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Client is in a bad mood. He shouts and screams at me. Drive home. Eat lunch. Drive back to the courthouse. Go in for another hearing. Drive home. Walk along the lakefront to UW-Milwaukee. Walk back downtown. At night finish watching “Franklin” (2024). The series focused on the years Benjamin Franklin spent in France successfully persuading King Louis XVII to support the American Revolution. Tonight, Franklin negotiates a deal directly with Great Britain to end the war while doubling the size of the United States.

Find a trail

In the morning drive to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Drive back downtown to the jail. Go in for another consultation. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. Walk along the lakefront up to UW-Milwaukee. Find a trail winding its way around up to Lake Park. Walk back home.

Goose heading back to the office

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for hearings. Drive home. In the afternoon try to get a call through to a client at prison. Doesn’t happen. Walk down to the lakefront. See a goose walking on the sidewalk. Looks like it is heading back to the office.

Presidential debate

In the morning walk to the office. Work until noon. Walk home. Eat lunch. Walk back to the office. Work until 5:00 PM. Walk home. Eat dinner. Walk down to the lakefront. Find a bunch of geese sitting around. Throw out bread to them and cause a frenzy. Walk back home. At night watch Kamala Harris crush Donald Trump in the Presidential debate. Go to bed very late.

Harder to recover

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. Take a nap. Walk to the grocery store. Walk home. It is getting harder to recover from extra long hikes.

Between the counties

In the morning clean out the filter on the fish tank. Drive to Northlake. Get out and walk east to the Village of Merton. Walk north to the county line. Walk west between Waukesha and Washington counties. Walk to Monches. Stop at the park to eat a brat at a church festival. Walk back to my car. Drive home.

Sade Robinson mural

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk to the U.S. Bank Tower. Go to the Downtown Kitchen for a cheeseburger. Walk back to the office. Work a little more. Walk home. Take a short nap. Walk down to the lakefront. Walk to Northpoint. Stop for a hot fudge sundae. Walk to Farwell Avenue. Stop at Pizza Shuttle to look at the Sade Robinson mural. She worked there for a time but was murdered earlier this year. Walk home.

West to 94th Street

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. Drive home. Eat lunch. In the afternoon drive back to the courthouse for another hearing. Drive home. In the afternoon ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail out to 70th Street. Walk west to 94th Street. Turn around and head east back to my bike. Ride home.