A statute of Mary bathed in sunlight

In the morning drive to Brookfield Square. Get out and walk north to Burleigh Avenue. Walk east to Mayfair Road. Walk south to Watertown Plank Road. Stop to see a statute of Mary bathed in sunlight. Walk west back to my car. Drive to Fox Brook Park. Walk around the nature trail. Drive to Emperor’s Kitchen. Get a ton of Chinese food. Drive home.

Aid to Ukraine

In the morning drive to Sam’s Club. Go in to get Diet Coke and Ice Mountain water. Drive home. Clean the fish tank filter while watching the House of Representatives pass a bill to send military aid to Ukraine. Finally!!! Later walk along the lakefront then go north on the Oak Leaf trail past Locust Avenue. Turn around and walk home.

See lots of bunny rabbits

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. In the afternoon drive to 70th Street in West Allis. Walk west on the Hank Aaron trail to 116th Street. Walk north to North Avenue. Walk east to 70th Street. See lots of bunny rabbits everywhere. Walk back to the car. Drive home.

Beautiful woman at Shake Shack

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a preliminary hearing. Drive home. It is raining out. Walk to the office. Work for a while. It keeps raining. Walk home. Walk to Shake Shack. There is a beautiful woman working behind the counter. I will be back.

Bleak and windy out here

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. In the afternoon drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. Walk over to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Drive home. Walk up Wisconsin Avenue. Walk along the river. It is bleak and windy out here. Walk home.

It starts raining on me

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work on several files. Walk home. Drive to 94th Street. Get out and walk west on the Hank Aaron trail to Highway 100. Walk north to North Avenue. Walk east to 76th Street. Walk south back to the Hank Aaron trial. It starts raining on me. Get to the car. Drive to Marty’s to get a pizza. Drive home.

North at 116th Street

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for three hearings. It goes by quickly. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work on several files. Walk home. Drive to 84th Street. Walk west on the Hank Aaron trail. Walk north at 116th Street. Stop at Denny’s on North Avenue for pancakes. Walk west to 84th Street. Walk south back to my car. Drive home.

On a bench for a few minutes

In the morning drive to Waterford. Get out and walk east on Highway 20. Turn south to Highway 11. Walk east back to Highway 83. Walk north back to my car. Walk seven and a half hours. Stop only once to rest briefly on a bench for a few minutes.

Bright and sunny Lake Park

In the morning walk to the office. Work on several files. Send out bills. Walk home. Walk north on Prospect Avenue. Continue walking north through Lake Park. It is bright and sunny. Turn around and walk south back home.

The clouds whip up storms

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. Eat lunch. Walk back to the office. Work some more. Walk down to the lakefront. It is nice and sunny. Near Bradford Beach the clouds whip up storms. It begins to rain hard. Get totally soaked. Then it gets sunny and windy. Walk back home as I dry off.