Hung Jury

In the morning drive to Racine. Listen to a podcast discussing enlightenment through meditation. The sun is rising as I wind my way down to the courthouse. Continue the jury trial with closing arguments and jury deliberations. Wait around for a verdict. Go to the Racine Historical Museum to pass the time. Called back to the courthouse. The jury is hung. A mistrial is declared. Drive home.

Monument Square

In the morning drive to Racine. Stay all day for jury trial. Over the lunch break walk down to Monument Square. It is nice out and the sun is shinning bright. On the drive home listen to the Brewers playing a spring league game. At night go to Orange Theory.

Super Tuesday

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a couple of cases. Drive to Racine in the afternoon. Go to the Law Enforcement Center. Pick a jury for my trial case. At night walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk back down Farwell Avenue and up Brady Street. Listen to the results from the “Super Tuesday” primary elections for the Demorcatic nomination for President. Very big night for Joe Biden.


Wake up to no internet. Go to the office to work on a few things. Walk to the Spectrum store on Prospect Avenue. Take the modem with me. Trade it in for a new one. Walk back home. Install the new modem. Internet is back. In the afternoon walk to the fish store to get worms for the fishes dinner. On the way back home take a picture of the moon as it rises above the newly constructed BMO Bank Tower. At night go to Orange Theory.

Turn towards the setting sun

In the morning walk up St. Paul Avenue to 13th Street. Cross through the Marquette campus. Walk east on Wells Street. My legs and feet are super sore. Suprised at this since I had taken so many rest days recently. Regain strength in the afternoon. Walk south to Bay View. Walk down to Oklahoma Avenue. Walk back downtown. Turn towards the setting sun at the Milwaukee River boat launch site. Take a picture.

Stretch Res

In the morning walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street. In the afternoon go to Heather’s house. Celebrate Emmet’s birthday. I take a picture of him standing by the fireplace. He looks stretched out. I tell him he looks “elongated”. He doesn’t like it. Accuses me of putting him on “Stretch Res”.

Get water

In the morning go to the jail for consultations. Drive out to Sam’s Club to get water. Go to the Safety Building in the afternoon for a sentencing hearing. Go to bed early.


Drive down to Racine. Go to court and get my client’s cases dismissed. Drive back to Milwaukee. Go to the courthouse and then to the Safety Building for status hearings. Walk to the office. Still sore all over. Super tired too. Go to bed early again.