The squawking grows louder and louder

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. No ducks. No geese. Squirrels are there. Put peanuts down for them. Leave disappointed again. Drive home. Do several court hearings on my couch over Zoom. Walk back down to the lagoon. No ducks. No geese. Walk back home. On my way find a whole bunch of geese. They are in an open field near the lake. Put down seed for the geese. At first they are unsure. Then they all converge on the seed. The squawking grows louder and louder. The dive in to eat. I walk away feeling much happier. Drive to the jail. Stay there all afternoon for consultations. At night go to Orangetheory.

Where are they?

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. It is really cold. The water on the lagoon is frozen over. Walk down to the Bodhi tree. No ducks. No geese. No squirrels. Nothing. Where are they? I am crushed. Start putting down the seed in little piles anyway. Then suddenly one lonely goose appears. Walking over the frozen lagoon. Heading towards me. I yell out a cheer of happiness! The goose is walking slowly. Up close it looks tired and worn down. Not as plump and shiny as many of the other geese usually appear to be. Winter is hard on this poor goose. At least this morning he found a place to rest and eat well. He sits down to eat. This is unusual. After a few minutes one duck appears too. She sits down to eat. Go to the office. Work until the early afternoon. Walk back down to the lagoon. No ducks. No geese. The piles from this morning are still there. Uneaten. Walk away sad. Walk back to the office. Work a bit more. At night lay on the couch and watch “Tenet” (2020).

Air currents

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. The ground is frozen. The ducks act together. They fly in together. They eat together. They fly off together. When they fly off the create air currents which send the empty bags that were holding their seed away in several directions. Drive to the courthouse. Walk over to MSDF. Go in for a consultation. Walk to the courthouse. Go to the second floor. Do a court hearing in Lacrosse over my cell phone. Walk to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Walk back to the second floor. Eat the bag lunch I packed. Have a phone consultation with a client in prison. Walk over to the Safety Building. Go in for an in person hearing. Drive home. Become super tired. Lay down on the couch and close my eyes. Watch squirrel videos on Youtube. Go to Orangetheory.

Between two skyscrapers

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk to the office. Get files ready for tomorrow. Clean the filter on the fish tank. Put a bag of De-Nitrate in the filter. Hoping to lower the nitrate level in the fish tank. Walk back down to the lagoon. My feet hurt. Listen to the Green Bay Packers beat up the Detroit Lions. Stop to see the sun set between two skyscrapers. At night watch the recut of “Godfather III” (1990).

See the christmas lights again

Dark and rainy all day. Drive down to the lagoon. Run out to put down the seed for the ducks and geese. It is soaking wet everywhere. In the afternoon lay on the couch and watch “The Godfather Part II” (1974). At night walk to see the Christmas lights again.

Dark Eyed Juncos

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Later do a court hearing while sitting on my couch over Zoom. Drive to the jail for a consultation. Take the time to check out the little birds that live in the parking lot. Get up close to see them. Determine that they are Dark Eyed Juncos. Rainy night. Drive to Farm and Fleet. Get more seed for the ducks and the geese. Get soaked in the parking lot. Drive to Topper’s. Pick up a pizza. Go home. Enjoy the pizza.

Two nights in a row!

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Go to the office. Work all day on a variety of items on my to do list. At night go to Orangetheory. Win another pair of socks in the raffle drawing. Two nights in a row!

I am in pain all day

In the morning drive to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Sit around all morning for a preliminary hearing. Drive to McDonald’s. Get a McRib from the drive thru. Take it home and eat it. It is sunny and warm today. Walk down to the lagoon again. Put out more seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk back home. Drive to the jail. Go in for consultations. Walk over the Safety Building. Sit around the rest of the afternoon waiting for my case to get called. My quads are on fire again today. I am in pain all day. Lay on the couch with ice packs on them. Go to Orangetheory. At the end of the class win the raffle drawing. Get a pair of Orangetheory socks!! Proudly take them home. My quads become even more painful. Struggle to fall asleep. They hurt all night long.

All my clients are in quarantine

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive out to the House of Correction. All my clients are in quarantine with Covid. I leave without seeing any of them. Drive to Sam’s Club. Buy Diet Coke but they have no Ice Mountain water! Drive to Pick N’ Save. Buy Ice Mountain water and a bag of cool ranch Doritos. Drive back home. Do a court hearing while sitting on my couch over the Zoom app. Drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. This client is not in quarantine. Have a consultation. Drive home. Lay on the couch while listening to the Marty Party on WMSE-FM. He is playing all John Lennon. It as 40 years ago that he was murdered outside his apartment building in New York City.

They recognize me

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. The squirrel in the Bodhi tree crawls down to me. I place a peanut out for the squirrel. He grabs it and climbs back up the tree. The animals all run to me the moment they see me. They recognize me no matter how I get there, from what direction I arrive, or whatever clothing I am wearing. Drive to the courthouse. Jury trial is adjourned. In the afternoon walk to the office. Work until it gets dark outside. Go to Orangetheory. My heart jumps into the red zone for most of the workout. Pick up a bunch of splat points.