Winter days are very short

In the morning, while it is still dark out, go down to the parking lot and sweep up the shells from the bird seed left by the Juncos. Put down fresh seed for them. Drive down to the lagoon. Put seed in the same spot under the Bodhi tree. The seed from yesterday is gone again. There are several squirrels in the tree. They are all excited to see me. Drive back home as it gets light out. Do a bunch of court hearings on my cell phone while working on a puzzle depicting the coronation of Napoleon as Emperor of the French. In the afternoon drive to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. Walk over to the courthouse. Do a long sentencing hearing. Get home after it gets dark out. Winter days are very short.

Runs back up the tree

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for three hearings. Do the first hearing on a cell phone over Zoom. Do the second hearing live in the courtroom. Do the third hearing in the judge’s chambers. Drive home. Walk down to the lagoon. The seed that I left under the Bodhi tree yesterday is gone. Put down a new pile in the same spot. There is one squirrel in the tree. The squirrel runs down to me and grabs a peanut then runs back up the tree. Walk home. Clean the kitchen while watching the Sting concert film “Bring on the Night” (1985). Drive back to the courthouse. Go in for another court hearing in the courtroom. Afterwards drive to Farm and Fleet to get more bird seed and then to Pick N’Save to get groceries. At night go to Orangetheory.

Stomp on the Chicago Bears

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. The food left yesterday is gone. The tracks of webbed foot creatures are everywhere. Put down another pile. Walk back home. Do a water change on the fish tank. In the afternoon walk north on Humboldt Drive. Walk out to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a caramel sundae. While eating the sun comes out. Walk east. Walk along the lakefront as the sun sets. Listen to the Green Bay Packers stomp on the Chicago Bears. Packers are now on to the playoffs!

Whatever animal finds it

In the morning walk to the office. Work on getting my cases ready for next week. In the afternoon walk down to the lagoon. Dig out the snow under the Bodhi tree and put down some corn and seed for whatever animal finds it. Walk home. Try several times to get off the couch to go for another walk but fail each time.

This time in a good mood

In the morning go for a walk to the lagoon. In a bad mood. Throw bread out on the lake for the seagulls. In the afternoon go for another walk. This time in a good mood. Walk up the Oak Leaf trail to Locust Street. Walk to a corner market in Riverwest to get an ice cream sandwich. Walk east to Lake Park. The snow starts to fall very heavily. Walk down to the lakefront. Walk home in a blizzard.

2020 is over.

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. In the afternoon drive out to the Mayfair Mall. Sit down on the arm of a couch in front of the Apple Store and do a consultation with another client. Drive out to Brookfield Square. Order a fish fry to go. Take it home and eat it. 2020 is over.


Wake up to a snow covered city. Drive to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. Drive out to the House of Correction. Go in for another consultation. Drive home while listening to the Wisconsin Badgers crush Wake Forest in the Mayo Bowl, 42-28. In the late afternoon walk to the lagoon. No ducks or geese. However, I see the tracks of their webbed feet all over the place. This is proof that they were here at some point today. Leave a big pile of seed under the Bodhi tree in a spot where the snow didn’t fall. At night go to Orangetheory.

Wonder Woman

In the morning walk to the office. Work all day on a variety of tasks. Walk to the post office to drop off the outgoing mail. After I return home it starts to snow. It is light at first and then gets heavier and heavier. It turns into a fairly significant snowstorm. Watch “Wonder Woman 1984” (2020). Not a good movie. Not at all.

Work until I get tired

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. No ducks. The seed from yesterday is gone though. Go to the office. Work all day. Get a bunch of stuff done. Work until I get tired. Walk to the U.S. Bank tower. Make a deposit there. Walk home. At night sweep all of the shells from the parking lot where I have been putting down piles of bird seed for the Juncos. Lay down a fresh new pile of seed for them. Go to bed early.

Lakefront at sunset

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. No ducks. Squirrels are there though. In the afternoon walk up the Oak Leaf trail to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a hot fudge sundae. Walk home along the lakefront at sunset. It is gorgeous out. At night walk around downtown while listening to the Packers stomp all over the Tennessee Titans 40-14.