North to Whitefish Bay

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for several hearings that take the whole morning. Drive home. Ride my bike north on the Oak Leaf trail. Get out and walk east to the lakefront. Walk north to Whitefish Bay. Cross into Glendale. Get a cheeseburger. Walk back to my bike. Ride it home.

Five sets

In the morning ride my bike out to 70th Street. Walk south to Lincoln Avenue. Turn around and walk north to State Street. Walk back to my bike. Listen to the French Open Men’s singles tennis final. Carlos Alcaraz wins in five sets. Ride home. Walk some more. Walk north along the lakefront. Walk back home.

Straight sets

In the morning walk to the office. Work while listening to the French Open Women’s Singles Final. Iga Swiatek wins in straight sets. Walk home. It starts raining. Finish watching the series about Winston Churchill.

Into the evening

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. Take a nap. Wake up. Still tired. Sit around the rest of the day and into the evening.


In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for consultations. Drive home. Watch the series finale of Star Trek: Discovery. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for hearings all afternoon. Drive home.

All over the place today

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for hearings. Walk over to MSDF. Go in for quick consultations. Drive out to the House of Correction. Go in for another consultation. Drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Walk over to the courthouse. Go in for a late afternoon hearing. Drive home. Ride my bike to 70th Street. Get out and walk around West Allis. Ride home. All over the place today. Crash on the couch while continuing to watch a series about Winston Churchill.

French Open tennis tournament

In the morning drive to the House of Correction. Go in for consultations. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. Ride my bike to 70th Street. Walk around West Allis while listening to the action at the French Open tennis tournament.

It continues. Again.

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for several hearings. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work all afternoon. Walk home. It starts raining heavily. It continues. Again.


In the morning drive to Glendale. Go to the Transcendental Meditation center. Get a mantra. Meditate. Drive home. In the afternoon ride my bike to 70th street. Get out and walk around West Allis. Walk around a street festival along Greenfield Avenue. Get a brat from the Boy Scouts. Walk back to my bike. Ride home.

Edward and Mrs. Simpson

In the morning walk to the office. Work very hard on a large number of files. Walk home. It starts raining and never stops. Binge watch the series “Edward and Mrs. Simpson” (1978).