She jumps over and around me

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Drive to Lorena’s house. Play on the porch with Xena. Today Xena is invisible. I try to catch her by using her foot flops as detectors. I wave them around but she keeps escaping. She jumps over and around me. Drive back home. Walk to the office. Work on a few files. Get tired later and decide not to go for a walk.

Blue-Blue is sentenced to sit in a hot jail cell

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for several hearings. Drive to Lorena’s house. Play with Xena on the porch. Today she has a little stuffed beanie baby toy. We pretend that the little beanie baby is named “Blue-Blue” and she is out to get Xena. I grab “Blue-Blue” and go for Xena’s head. “Blue-Blue” tries to eat’s Xena’s brain. Xena swats “Blue-Blue” away using her pink foot flops. Then “Blue-Blue” dives toward Xena’s feet to eat all of her toes. Xena uses her pink foot flops as a force shield to protect her toes. Then Xena sentences “Blue-Blue” to sit in a hot jail cell. We laugh and laugh despite all of these rather gory subject matters. Drive home. Walk up to the office. Work on a few files. Walk down to the lakefront. Walk north to Bradford Beach. Walk back downtown. Walk through the MSOE student carnival.

Mega chonker cat

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for consultations. Drive to Lorena’s house. Hang out with Xena on the porch while she plays games on her tablet. Drive back home. Walk back to the office. Work on more stuff. Walk south to Bay View. Walk to Humboldt Park. Walk up to see the last Chill on the Hill concert of the summer. See a mega chonker cat. I am amazed. Walk home as it gets dark.

I am the voice for the doll

In the morning walk to the office. Work on several files. Drive to Lorena’s house. Play with Xena. Today she has a little doll. I am the voice for the doll. I talk to Xena in the doll’s voice. “Mama, where is my tablet?”, and “Mama, can I go outside and play now?”, and “Mama, I want more ice cream!”. Xena is very patient with her spoiled little daughter. Suddenly it begins to rain heavily. Xena makes a worried face and runs inside. Drive back home. Walk to the office. Work all afternoon until the sun comes back out. Walk down to the lakefront. Walk north to Lake Park. Watch the shadows moving across the beach as the sun begins to set. Walk to the last “Musical Monday” performance of the summer. Walk home in a very good mood. It is dark out and the city lights are on when I make it back home.


In the morning it is raining. It stops. Walk to the lakefront. Listen to the singing coming from Mexican Fest as I walk along Lake Michigan. Walk north to UW-Milwaukee. Walk by the Women’s soccer game. They are done playing and are enjoying a cookout. Walk home. As I reach downtown a driving rain deluges the city. I get very soaked.

Sore and worn out

In the morning clean the house. Do a water change on the fish tank. Walk to the office. Work on several files. Walk home. In the afternoon walk south to Bay View. My knee gets sore and worn out. Walk home.

Small crowds gathering

In the morning walk to the office. Work on uploading files; downloading files; and scanning documents. Frustrated that the technology doesn’t keep up with my speed. Walk home for lunch. In the afternoon walk back to the office for more work. In the later afternoon walk west to 27th Street. Walk south to National Avenue. Walk west to American Family Field. Watch the suprisingly small crowds gathering for the game. Walk north to Wisconsin Avenue. Walk home as the sun sets. After dark walk outside and observe that the neighborhood is loud and festive.