This week in 1983

In the morning drive to 92nd Street and Bluemound Road. Get out and walk south to Greenfield Avenue. Walk west to Brookfield Road. Listen to American Top 40 countdown from this week in 1983. Walk to Kopp’s. Get a cheeseburger. Walk east on Bluemound Road back to my car. Drive home.

Lots of fall colors and skulls

In the morning walk to the office. Prepare two cases for jury trial on Monday. In the afternoon ride my bike to Cudahy. It is warm and sunny like summer. Walk south through Warnimont Park and Sheridan Park. Walk back to my bike. See lots of fall colors and skulls on the way back. Ride my bike to The Comales. Eat four tacos. At night walk along the riverwalk out to Kadish Park. Walk back home.

Three nice witches

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. Drive to Sam’s Club. Buy water, Diet Coke and other supplies. Drive to Farm and Fleet. Buy bird seed. Drive home. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. It is like summer again. Over 70 degrees! Three nice witches decided to put a warming spell over the city. Walk to UW-Milwaukee. Walk back home.

Casts a shadow

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Give my closing argument. Wait around for a verdict. After the verdict comes in, drive home. Walk to The Comales. East five tacos. Walk down to the Cesar Chavez statue. It casts a shadow. Walk home.

A little prayer

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for jury trial. A little prayer sign is taped to the doorway going out of the parking garage as I head in towards the courthouse. In the afternoon pick a jury to hear the case.

Beat badly by the New York Jets

In the morning drive to Capitol Drive and Pilgrim Road. Walk north to Lisbon Avenue. It rains on and off. Walk west to Brookfield Road. Walk south to Blue Mound Road. Eat a cheeseburger and ice cream at Kopp’s. Walk back to my car. It continues to rain off and on. See a large amount of political signs. My whole body is sore. Listen to the Packers get beat badly by the New York Jets. Drive home.

Gorgeous day of many colors

In the morning walk to the office. Get packed up for next week’s trial. In the afternoon ride my bike south to Cudahy. Lock up my bike at Warnimont Park. Walk south down to Grant Park. Gorgeous day of many colors. Walk back to my bike. Ride my bike to The Comales and eat four tacos. Ride home.