The marina

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for consultations. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work on a few things. Walk home. In the afternoon drive to the jail. Go in for more consultations. Drive home. Walk to the lakefront. Walk out to the marina. Walk back home.

Munching on the grass

In the morning walk to the office. Work all morning. Walk to the U.S. Bank Tower to get lunch. Walk back to the office. Work some more. Walk home. Walk down to the lakefront. Walk out on Lakeshore State Park. See geese munching on the grass. Walk home.

West Allis Historical Museum

In the morning ride my bike south to National Avenue. Walk around 6th and 7th Streets. Walk back to my bike. Ride west to 107th Street. Walk around out there. Ride my bike to Hu Hot. Eat lunch. The hostess that seats me is gorgeous. Ride my bike east to West Allis. Walk around the West Allis Historical Museum. Ride my bike back home.


In the morning walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. Ride my bike north to Estabrook Park. Walk around out there. Walk north to Kopp’s. Get an ice cream cone. Walk back to my bike. Ride back downtown. Walk up and down the riverwalk. Stop to admire the sunflowers. Walk back to my bike. Ride south to the 6th Street bridge. Walk up and down the bridge. Ride home. Traffic all over is at a standstill as people crowd in to go to Summerfest.

Running around in cowboy boots

In the morning walk to the office. Work straight through to the late afternoon. Walk home. Walk north along the riverwalk to UW-Milwaukee. Walk south along the lakefront. Stop to throw out hunks of bread to a group of geese. Walk past Summerfest. See lots of beautiful girls running around in cowboy boots. Walk home.

Volleyball and Summerfest

In the morning walk to the office. Get a bunch done. Walk to the U.S. Bank Tower for lunch. Walk back to the office. Work some more. Walk home. Walk along the riverwalk north to Gordon Park. Walk north to UW-Milwaukee. Walk south along the lakefront. See full volleyball courts at Bradford Beach. Walk by Summerfest and hear the loud music blaring away. Walk home.

Walk around downtown

In the morning walk to the office. Work on and off for a while. Walk around downtown. Walk home. Eat lunch. Walk back to the office. Work while a heavy rain pours outside. Walk home. Eat dinner. Walk around downtown under cloudy skies. Walk home.

Roasted in the sun

In the morning drive to Capitol Drive and Brookfield Road. Walk north to Lannon. Walk through the Lannon Quarry. Walk west on the Bugline Trail to Sussex. Walk south back to Capitol Drive. Get absolutely roasted in the sun. Brutally. Walk east on Capitol Drive back to my car. Drive home.

Bark like a dog

In the morning ride my bike to South Shore beach. Walk south along Lake Michigan. Walk back to my bike. Ride further south to Grant Park. Walk around the woods out there. Hear a girl bark like a dog. She sounded authentically like a dog too. Walk back to my bike. Ride north all the way to North Avenue. Walk north to UW-Milwaukee. Walk back to my bike. RIde home. At night watch the fireworks off my deck.

Buddhist temple

In the morning drive to Minooka Park. Walk south to Lawnsdale Road. Come across a Buddhist Temple out in the middle of nowhere. Go check it out. Walk east to Oakdale Drive. Walk north to Sunset Drive. Stop at Burger King for a Whopper. Walk back to my car. Very sore at the end of this long hike. Drive home.