Struggle down Farwell Avenue

In the morning drive to Farm and Fleet. Buy bird seed. Drive to Pick N’Save. Buy groceries. Drive home. In the afternoon walk north along the lakefront to Lake Park. Walk back down Farwell Avenue. Struggle to finish walking back home. At night watch “The Name of the Rose” (1986).

White House Plumbers

In the morning try to go for a walk but give up quickly. Lay on the couch the rest of the day and binge watching the series “White House Plumbers” (2023). Actually fall asleep at night.

Being Mary Tyler Moore

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for hearings. Drive home. Eat lunch. Walk back to the office. Do a telephone consultation with an inmate up north in prison. Walk home. Later walk and run into trouble. Do not know whether I was hit or whether I fell on my own. I must have got a conscussion because my memory of it is gone. Walk home in a daze. Have a big black left eye. That sucks. At night watch “Being Mary Tyler Moore” (2023). Don’t sleep at all tonight.

Until it starts raining

In the morning walk to the office. Work all morning. Walk home. In the afternoon drive to the courthouse. Go in for hearings. Drive home. Walk south on Canal Street until it starts raining. Turn around and walk back home.

End up energized

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for several hearings. Walk over to the jail fpor a consultation. Drive home. Eat lunch. Walk to the office. Work briefly. Walk home. In the afternoon drive back to the courthouse. Go in for more hearings. Drive home. Walk south on 6th Street to National Avenue. Walk home. Start out tired but end up energized.

Down to Veteran’s Park

In the morning walk to the office. Work on several files. Walk home. Eat lunch. Walk back to the office. Do two consultations over Zoom. Walk home. Walk down to Veteran’s Park. Take in the sunshine. Walk home.


In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for three different jury trials. Two are adjourned and one is plead out. Drive home. A massive rainstorm rages outside. Take a long nap. Later watch “Wall-E” (2008).

Sit through closing arguments

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. Walk over to the jail. Go in for two consultations. Walk over to the Safety Building. Sit through closing arguments in a jury trial waiting for my cases to be called. Drive home. Eat lunch. Drive back to the courthouse. Go into the Safety Building for two more hearings. Drive home. Lay on the couch.