197.3 pounds. 10 minutes on the Elliptical. Go to the office and work all day and get a ton of stuff done. Go home and clean and dust and vacuum in the living room. Ride bike to Washington Park and back. I wish I had this kind of energy and positive vibrations running through my mind and body every day. I will work on this and make it so.
Get a haircut finally
197.4 pounds. Go to the Milwaukee County Courthouse in the morning for a pre-trial hearing. Go to the office. Walk to the East Side to eat a pizza and get a haircut. Walk back downtown. When the walk started it was cold and wet and gray and when it ended it was warm and dry and blue.
Rain and gloom all day
5 minutes on the Elliptical. Work at the office in the morning. Drive to Kenosha County Jail to meet a client. Drive over to the Racine County Courthouse for a pre-trial hearing. Stop at A&W on the way home for dinner. Lay in front of the TV while it rains and rains and rains…
Cold Sunday
10 minutes on the Elliptical. Cold day. Go to the office and do some work while watching “Heaven Can Wait” (1978). Later walk to Summerfest then around the Third Ward. Wear my winter hat and coat.
Northpoint is Open
10 minutes on the Elliptical. Go to Fish Factory to pick up rock formation. Buy some plants and three algae eaters. Move the Tinfol and Rosy Barbs to the new tank. They look so much brighter and colorful. They explore their new home with great delight. Leave the Cichlids and others in the old tank for now. Ride bike along the lakefront to Northpoint for opening day. Order a hot fudge sundae.
Last lazy day for a while
Go to Racine and see a client in jail then go to court. Stop at A&W for luch. Go home and try to go for a walk. Get to the door and turn back. Lay around and watch more Vietnam War documentaries. This is my last lazy day for a while.
Tired all day again
I am struggling with low energy this week. The fish are off too. They are still in the old tank and can see the new one and are all like: “Hey, when are we moving in?” Soon my friends, very soon….
Set up new light for my tank
Stop by Menards on the way home from Green Bay to pick up a little saw. Get home and saw a notch in the tank rim to install the new light for my tank. Set up the lighting schedule with an app on my iphone. The fish and the plants will love the new tank.
Back to Green Bay
Drive to Kenosha to meet with a client. Drive to Green Bay to meet with another client. Walk around Lambeau Field at sunset.
Hit the wall
Tired most of the day. Walk to McDonalds on the southside. Stop and pick up bicycle at the shop. It is all tuned up for summer. Ride it home.