Go to Green Bay

197.2 pounds.  Drive to Green Bay for jury trial.  Go to see “Ready Player One” in the afternoon.  Go to Wal Mart to get clothes for client to wear in front of the jury.  Check into hotel.  Walk around downtown Green Bay at night.

Snow everywhere

197.7 pounds.  10 minutes on the Elliptical.  Walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue.  Walk down Farwell Avenue and up Brady Street.  Walk down Water Street.  Stop at Best Fish to get two bags of worms for the fish.  They are so happy to get worms, mmmmmm….

Snowstorm and the Bucks lose

196.1 pounds.  Snowstorm hits the city.  Walk around in the slushy wet snow while listening to the Bucks lose to the Celtics in game 1 of the first round NBA playoff.

Rainy and dreary day

196.1 pounds.  5 minutes on the Elliptical.  The rainy and dreary day has conquered my spirit and I decide not to go out for a walk.   Sit home instead and watch documentaries about the Vietnam War.

UPDATE: Saw the little Siamese Algae Eater zip around the corner of the tank tonight.  I hadn’t seen him or her all week and feared it didn’t make it.  Well, he or she is still alive and thriving!!!

I enjoyed my walk along the lakefront

196.1 pounds.  10 minutes on the Elliptical.  Walk along Lake Michigan from the Summerfest grounds through Veterans Park on up to Northpoint Tower.  Walk down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street.  Walk up Brady Streey to Astor Street and back downtown.  

Spring is taking a long time to get here

196.0 pounds.  10 minutes on the Elliptical.  Walk up Propsect Avenue to North Avenue then back down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street.  Walk up Brady Street then down Astor Street.  Later walk up St. Paul Avenue to the train station.  No evidence of spring in the trees or anywhere on the ground.  

Crossing the Viaduct

197.2 pounds.  10 minutes on the Elliptical.  Walk to National Avenue then up to 16th Street.  Cross the Viaduct Bridge past the Potowatomi Casino over to Marquette University.  Walk back down Wisconsin Avenue.