
Go to Racine for consultations in the jail.  Go to get pizza for lunch.  Walk around Racine to check out the scene of the shooting concerning the case I am in that is set for trial.  Settle the case as the jury is waiting to be brought in to the courtroom.  Watch “Gates of Heaven” (1978).  Documentary about a pet cemetery in California.

The Last Wave

Go to Racine for a consultation.  Go to Kenosha for a court hearing.  Drive back to Milwaukee in a massive rainstorm.  Difficulty seeing the road all the way.  Go to the Milwaukee County Courthouse for a court hearing.  Watch “The Last Wave” (1977) as it rains all night long.

World Cup upset

Walk along the lakefront and over the bridge to Brady Street.  Give a high five to a Mexico fan after the score a goal against Germany.  Upset in World Cup as they beat Germany 1-0.  Go to Heather’s house for a cookout.  Walk to the Waukesha Dog Park with Emmet to look for Pokemon.  Then walk again to the Waukesha Dog Park with Emmet and Elise to look for more Pokemon.

Welcome to Polish Fest

Go to the Fish Factory and get a new fish.  Clean the filter on the new tank.  Water changes for both tanks.  Walk to Polish Fest.  Eat Mozarella Marinara.

Long walk in the sunshine

Go to court in the morning.  Leave to meet with a client at her house on the northside.  Go back to court later the same morning.  Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint Tower.  Walk up North Avenue to Martin Luther King Drive.  Stop at the Fish Factory to buy some Clown Loaches. for the new tank.  Watch “Wise Blood” (1979).  Weird movie.



Go to the Racine courthouse in the morning for a hearing.   Walk to the jail in the afternoon to meet a client.  The other inmates tell me I look nice and relaxed.  I feel that way too.

Rain and Peter the Great

Rainy Sunday.  Leave for a bit in the afternoon to meet with a client at his house on the south side.  During the rest of the day watch Peter the Great miniseries on Youtube.  It is from 1986.