Go to the office in the morning. Work all day on appeal brief. It is rainy. Order delivery of Chinese food. Ride the Hop to the post office to mail off the appeal briefs. Go home and watch “Dr. Who”.
Day after Christmas
Go to the office and get very little work done. Go home and take a nap. Go to Orange Theory. Watch “Better Call Saul”.
Christmas Day
10 minutes on the Elliptical. Decide that my depression has returned because I have not been sticking to my Orange Theory schedule. It had disappeared since I started going there. Sign up for more sessions. Walk around South Milwaukee in the morning. Go to Heather’s house to open Christmas presents and eat a steak dinner and cupcakes.
Future Era
Tired and a little depressed most of the day. Play Forge of Empires and move on to the Future Era. Fall asleep on the couch while watching Youtube videos.
Football and long walks.
Walk around Grant Park and over to South Milwaukee High School while listening to the Packers beat the New York Jets in overtime. Walk over 10 miles south on 16th Street to Oklahoma Avenue and back north through Bay View while listening to the late afternoon NFL games.
The Airport
Walk around Mitchell Field Airport in the afternoon. Walk over to 6th Street to the Harley Museum at night.
Go to court in the morning. Go out to Mayfair Mall to pick up a file at a lawyer’s office and buy Christmas presents. Walk to the Clock Tower building on North Avenue to pick up another file from a different attorney’s office. Walk to Landmark and check things out. Walk back to the office to meet a client’s girlfriend and get hired for a case.
Doctor Who
Go to the office and work all day. Proud of myself. Do a water change on the fish tank. Do laundry at night while watching “Doctor Who”.
Better Call Saul
Go to the office and work all day. Proud of myself. Do laundry at night while watching “Better Call Saul”.
Walk to Cudahy
Go to the office and get very little done. Walk south down Lake Drive from Bay View to Cudahy. Walk back north by way of Packard Drive and Kinnickinnic.