Snow day with Kristine

Wake up to a blizzard. Start texting Kristine. Things get very sexy. Go and get Kristine. Get stuck in the snow outside her house. Drive her back home with me. Have lots of fun with Kristine in every room in my house. Take her to Target to get her a winter coat. Get stuck in the snow again. A dude driving by stops to help pull my car out of the snow. Take Kristine back to her house. Drive back home. It is still snowing. Go to Orange Theory. Watch Star Trek until I fall asleep.

Super cold. Bright and sunny though.

Super cold again today. It is bright and sunny though. Go to the grocery store. Stop at the office. Go south on 1st Street to get a car wash. Walk west on St. Paul Avenue to 4th Street. Then walk north to Michigan Avenue. The cold air starts to hurt. Go home. Watch “Bohemian Rhapsody” while doing laundry. Do a water change on the fish tank.

Buddha in the fish tank

Below zero outside as I wake up. I curse winter. Go to Sam’s Club to get soda, water and some other supplies. Go to Target to get a new bathroom floor mat. The current one is fraying into little pieces bit by bit. Clean the house while watching “Gotham”. Do a water change on the fish tank while watching more “Gotham”. Put the Buddha statute that Emmet and Elise got me for Christmas in the fish tank. The fish are a little bit thrown off by it.

Kristine and a cupcake at the Courthouse

Brutally cold today. Go to the courthouse in the morning for a couple of quick hearings. Go to the jail for consultations. Go home for lunch. Talk to Kristine. Nice call. She is sweet. Puts me in a good mood. Go back to the Safety Building for two hearings. There are snacks are leftover from a holiday party in the courtroom. Eat a cupcake and three Hershey Kisses. Go to Orange Theory in the late afternoon.

Walk to MSDF

Go to the jail for consultations. Walk to MSDF for a consultation. Drive out to the House of Correction for a consultation. The car engine sounds funny. I am worried.

Still snowing

Go to the Safety Building in the morning to resume jury trial. It is a snowy ride to court. Case settles. Texting with LaTia more frequently. Walk over to Municipal court to handle a traffic ticket. Ride the Hop to the office and get some paperwork done. Make phone calls. Go home. Go to Orange Theory.

Dark and Cold and Snow and Jury Trail too

188.1 pounds. Still sore and tired from my 50,000 step Fitbit odyssey on Sunday. Go to court for a sentencing hearing in the morning. It is adjourned again. Go to the courthouse cafeteria for lunch and have tacos. I am suprised that they are actually decent. Go to the Safety Building in the afternoon for jury selection. Leave the courthouse as the dark and cold and snow envelopes the city. Hope my body is ready for the battle again in the morning.

Over 50,000 steps on Fitbit

In the morning walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Very cold. Face hurts. Walk west on North Avenue then walk back home along the river. In the afternoon walk up St. Paul Avenue then over to Canal Street. Very cold. Face hurts. Walk to Miller Park. Walk back downtown along Wisconsin Avenue. At night walk up St. Paul Avenue then south on 16th Street to Lincoln Avenue. Walk up to 27th Street then back east on National Avenue. Very cold. Legs and feet hurt. Go over 50,000 steps on Fitbit.

Snow all night and all day

It snowed all night. It snowed all day. Walk up St. Paul Avenue to 13th Street. Walk across the Marquette campus. Walk down to the Fiserv Forum. Stop at Best Fish to get Brine Shrimp for the fish’s dinner. Walk up Canal Street to 25th Street. Walk back down to the Third Ward. Check out the ice sculptures at Benelux and the Wicked Hop. Walk to Jing’s to get Chinese food to go.