Verdict and more Kristine

Go to court for jury trial. Present testimony. Argue the case to the jury. Verdict goes against the client. Afterwards however the judge tells me that the jury told her they really liked me and I did a good job. I feel happy about that. Go get Kristine. Take her to my office. Do her tax returns. Take her back home with me. Have a whole lot of fun with Kristine. Awesome fun. Go get chinese food for dinner. Overall a great day.

Jury trial in the Safety Building

Go to the Safety Building for jury trial. Slept ok but was woken up in the middle of the night by the fire alarm going off. Pick jury in the morning. Have tacos for lunch at the Courthouse Cafe. Cross examine the prosecution witnesses in the afternoon. Go to Orange Theory.

Court up north again

Drive to Green Bay while listening to lectures about World War I. Go to a hearing at the Brown County Courthouse. Drive home while listening to a variety of radio stations playing different kinds of music. Go to bed early again tonight.

Energy Drain

Go the jail in the morning for consultations. Go home for lunch. Go back to court for sentencing. Client and his family are very happy with the outcome. I am super tired. An energy drain has taken place. Go home and crash. Sleep for eleven hours.


Go to the office in the morning to take care of some accounting. Walk to Bay View. Stop and turn around after my feet get soaked in a deep puddle of water hiding under a bridge. Go back to the office in the afternoon to prepare my files for the week ahead. At night walk up Prospect Avenue to Brady Street while listening to Superbowl LIII.

Gideon’s trumpet

Warmer but rainy today. Go to the grocery store in the morning. Decide I am tired and go back to sleep. Watch Gideon’s Trumpet starring Henry Fonda. Watching it inspires the defense lawyer in me. Do a water change on the fish tank.

Petition for Review

Walk to the office. Not super cold anymore. Work at the office on finishing a Petition for Review to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. Print out and assemble the copies. Walk to the post office to mail them out. Feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Same as yesterday

Walk up to the office. Below zero windchill again. About the same as yesterday. The city is not as empty. Don’t work hard at the office today. Pick away at a Petition for Review to be filed with the Supreme Court. Walk back home.

The cold streets are empty

Walk up to the office. It is below zero windchill again. Worse then yesterday. The city looks empty. No one is out on the street. Very few cars. Work hard at the office again today. Write letters, review files, e-mail, phone calls., etc. Walk back home. Take my gloves off for a few seconds. The cold air stings my poor hands.

The cold air stabs at me

186.1 pounds. Walk up to the office. It is below zero windchill. The air stabs me like a dagger. Work all day to catch up on stuff that has been piling up for two weeks. Walk back home and the cold stabs at me even more forcefully.