Kristine wrecks the day

Walk to the Art Museum and back. Drive to pick up Kristine. She picks a fight with me. Turn around and drop her off. Walk to Wisconsin Avenue to look at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Grey and cold today. Tired.

Finally some decent weather for walking

Walk to the office. Get very little done. Walk home for lunch. The weather is finally improving. Not arctic cold today. Go for a walk. Walk west on St. Paul Avenue to 13th Street. Walk under the freeway and see large piles of snow from the many blizzards of this long winter. Walk across the Marquette Campus. Walk past the courthouse. Walk down to the Fiserv Forum. Walk over to Best Fish to get live brine shrimp for the fishes dinner. Go to Orange Theory.

Slow day

Slow morning. Walk up to the office. Work on a few files. Walk home for lunch. End up falling asleep for a couple of hours. Bring in soda and water from the car. Watch Youtube videos. Go to bed early.


Go to the Safety Building in the morning for some cases. Get done quickly so I drive out to Aquatics Unlimited to pick up some supplies for the fish. Walk to the office and work all afternoon. Drive out to Sam’s Club later on to pick up soda, water and Red Bull. Go to Orange Theory. Admire the new fish in my tank, Starburst.

Work very efficiently

Go to the office in the morning. Work very efficiently. Walk to the U.S. Bank tower to make a bank deposit and eat lunch at the Downtown Kitchen. Walk back to the office. Client stops by in the afternoon to discuss his case. Walk to the post office to drop off mail. Very cold again today.

Children’s Court

So very cold again this morning. Single digits. Drive to the Children’s Courthouse in Wauwatosa for a hearing. Drive back downtown to the Safety Building for a hearing. Go home for lunch. Go back to the Safety Building in the afternoon for a motion hearing. Go to Best Fish after court for some filter supplies and some worms. The fish are very happy to get the worms for dinner. Go to Orange Theory.

Moving on

Don’t sleep well at all. Wake up early. Decide to sign up for an Orange Theory class. Go in at 7:15 A.M. and work out. Get the heart rate up very high and keep it there. Feel way better. Walk to the office to do some work. Text Latia on the way back home and tell her I want to see her next weekend. She responds quickly. We start texting back and forth. Go home and clean the fish filter out. A real mess in there. Go for a short walk while listening to the Birmingham Iron play an Alliance of American Football game. It is sunny but super cold again. This brutal winter will not give up.

Emmet’s Birthday

Walk to the office to drop off files. Walk back home. Do a water change on the fish tank. Go to Brookfield to have dinner at Olive Garden and celebrate my nephew’s birthday. Go back to Heather’s house to open presents and eat cake. Give Emmet two twenty dollar bills and six peanut butter eggs packed together inside a silver gift wrapped styrofoam box. At night go to the Mexican Bar to celebrate Lorena’s birthday. Kristine is there sitting in the corner with some guy. She doesn’t even talk to me. Walk out after 10 minutes.

Court all day in two counties

Go to the courthouse in the morning for a plea and sentencing hearing. Drive to Ryan Road and stop for chinese food for lunch. Big disappointment. Drive to Racine for a motion hearing at the courthouse. Send sexy text messages to Kristine. Go to Orange Theory.

Fascinating to me

Stop at the office on the way to court to pick up some files. Super cold. Go to the Safety Building for a pre-trial hearing. Get a split verdict on the jury trial. Go to the House of Correction to meet a client. She is fascinating to me. Stop at Pick N’ Save for a few groceries on the way home.