Work all day but don’t get enough done

Walk to the office in the morning. Work all morning. Walk to the U.S. Bank Tower for lunch. Grab a Q-Burger and crinkle fries. Walk back to the office. Work all afternoon. Although I worked every available minute of the day, there is still stuff that didn’t get done. Frustrating. Walk to the post office to deliver the mail. Go to Orange Theory.

Party supplies

Drive to Party City to get decorations and other supplies for LaTia’s baby shower. Drive to a client’s house and sit in her living room while talking about her case. Drive to Kopp’s for a cheesburger and a scoop of strawberry ice cream. Drive to LaTia’s house to drop off the party supplies and hang out with her mom and sister and nephew for a while. Walk to Pick N’ Save. It is warm and sunny.

Purple mattress arrives

Wake up late. Last night sleeping on the old mattress. Walk to the office. Work all day. Go to the Taco Bar for lunch. Walk back home. Unpack the Purple mattress and platform stand. Struggle with setting everything up. Get it done though. Try out the new mattress. Feels good. Go to Orange Theory.

I see people wearing green

In the morning walk along the lakefront to North Point Tower. Walk west on North Avenue then follow the river back downtown. Jump on the Hop as it turns onto Broadway. In the afternoon walk to Bay View. Have lunch at McDonalds. Buy Girl Scout cookies from a girl selling them on the sidewalk. See people going in and out of bars wearing green.

Lazy Saturday

Walk to the office. Drop off some files and look at the mail. Walk back home for lunch. Take a nap. Walk west on St. Paul Avenue to the post office. Sunny and pleasant.

Get some energy back

Cold again. Go to the jail in the morning for a consultation. Go home for lunch. Go back to the Safety Building to sit around all afternoon for another adjournment. Go home tired. Think about not going to Orange Theory. Lay down for a few minutes and close my eyes. Get some energy back. Go to Orange Theory. Take the treadmill to a higher level during the All Out. At night walk to 5th Street while listening to the Bucks game. My earphones cut in and out. Get mad and toss them on the sidewalk.

Leaky stairwell

Go to the jail in the morning for a consultation. It is warm out. Go home for lunch. Walk up to the office to pick up some files. Go back to the court in the afternoon. It is raining. The stairwell in the parking garage below the courthouse is leaking from the ceiling with pools of water collecting on the steps. Sit around the Safety Building all afternoon doing nothing then the case is adjourned. Go home for dinner. Walk to the Summerfest grounds then up to the office.

Wake up late

Wake up late. Go to the jail for consultations. Walk to Plankinton Avenue and then over to Michigan Avenue then turn around and walk south to Erie Street. Go to Orange Theory.

Bird in the train station

Walk south to Oregon Street in the morning. Take the train to Union Station. Walk around downtown Chicago. Wait around inside Union Station for the train back home while a bird pecks around on the floor. Take the train back to Milwaukee. Text back and forth with Latia on the train.

The Pfister Hotel

Wake up tired. Walk to the office. Work on a few files. Prepare for consultations. Walk home for lunch. Go the jail for consultations. Go back home. Get more energy. Do a water change on the fish tank. Walk to the Pfister hotel and go inside the lobby. Walk down Wisconsin Avenue and over to the train station. Walk back home as the sun starts to set. Go to Orange Theory.