The Kiltie

Go to the Safety Building in the morning. Client freaks out and doesn’t take the plea I negotiated for him. Drive out to Oconomowoc and go to The Kiltie. Eat a cheeseburger and onion rings. Eat an animal circus sundae for kids. Drive to Brookfield. Stop at Petco and get a few things for the fish. Go to New Berlin for acupuncture appointment. Go home and take a nap. Rest my knee.

BLT and chicken noodle soup

Go to the courthouse in the morning for a status hearing. Go to the jail for a consultation. Eat lunch at the courthouse cafe. BLT and chicken noodle soup. Go to the parking garage to pick up a file from another attorney. Go to preliminary hearing court. Drive to LaTia’s house. Hang out there for a few hours. Take LaTia to Maxie’s for dinner. Take her back home. Give her kiss good night. Get back and start texting with Kristine.

Cutting Group

Go to the jail in the morning for consultations. Walk up Prospect Avenue. Get a haircut at the Cutting Group on Farwell Avenue. Walk back downtown. Go to the office. Knee feels way better today.

Softball in the park

Go to Target in the morning to get a heating pad for my bad knee. Go to acupuncture. One of the needles goes off in my knee like an earthquake. Wow!! Walk to the office. Work on getting files ready for tomorrow. Go for a longer walk. See the MSOE women’s softball team playing in the park by State Street. Walk north on Prospect Avenue. Get a slice of pizza at Ian’s. Knee hurts on the walk back home. Take the Hop some of the way back. The inside is all decorated with Milwaukee Bucks stuff.

Huge comeback win

Wake up and knee still hurts. Watch “Game of Thrones”. Go to the Safety Building for jury trial. Case is adjourned. Drive to Brookfield. Eat lunch at Emperor’s Kitchen. Go to Target to get a pair of shorts. Go to New Berlin for acupunture appointment. Lay awake most of the night. Knee still hurts. Listen to Los Angeles Clippers huge comeback playoff win over the Golden State Warriors.

Catalano Square in the slushy snow

Go to the office to prepare for jury trial. Go to the jail for a consultation. Go home. Snowstorm hits. All day. Knee still hurts. Watch Avengers movies while putting bed sheets in the laundry. Do a water change on the fish tank. Walk to Catalano Square in the slushy snow. Knee hurts.

Rocket launch

Walk to the office in the morning. Knee still hurts. Drive to Sam’s Club to get soda and water. Stop at Walgreens to get a gel pack for my knee. Watch highlights of the Space X Dragon Heavy rocket launch into space. Go to bed early.

Eat tacos in Denim Park

Walk to the office. Scan a bunch of files. In a bad mood. Walk to the North End and get tacos from the taco truck parked by the river. Eat the tacos in Denim Park while watching people work out at next door Anytime Fitness center. Walk back to the office. Scan more files. Still in a bad mood. Walk home. Work around the house. My mood improves a little bit. Go to Orange Theory.

Keep going

Go to the Safety Building for a hearing. Walk over to the courthouse for another hearing. Walk back to the jail for a consultation. Go home. Take a short nap. Walk to the office. Work the rest of the afternoon.

Why do we live in Wisconsin?

Go to the office. Set up new scanner. Major improvement. Update the software on the computer. Get sick of waiting for it to finish. Go home. Snow storm rages outside. Go to Orange Theory. Ask myself: “Why do we live in Wisconsin?”