Overnight leak

Wake up and smell the aroma of burning plastic. Check the filter on the fish tank. It sprung a leak overnight. The extension cords and power strips are all wet and burned out. Throw them out. Clean up the mess from all the water that leaked out of the filter. Go to Home Depot for a new metal power strip with ten outlets. Seal the filter properly. Start it up again. Go to the office. Pack up a client’s file and mail it off. At sunset walk south on 27th Street to Oklahoma Avenue. Stop at Leon’s for a vanilla ice cream cone. Walk north on 35th Street. Listen to the Bucks lose game three to the Toronto Raptors in double overtime.

Happier at the end of the day

Go to Pick N’ Save in the morning to grocery shop. Stop at Home Depot to get air filters for the furnace. Do laundry. Feel depressed. Go to the office. Go to the jail for a consultation. Go back home. Clean out the filter on the fish aquarium. Begin to feel better. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk along the river back downtown. Happier at the end of the day.

Raptors arrive on the team bus

Go to the office. Get very little work done. Walk to the U.S. Bank Tower for lunch. On the walk back see the Toronto Raptors arrive on the team bus at the Pfister Hotel. Go home. Take a nap. Pleased that I fall asleep very deeply. Go to Orange Theory. Walk to Miller Park while listening to the Bucks clobber the Toronto Raptors in the NBA playoffs. Rain falls here and there along the way.

Another win for our Bucks

Poor night of sleep. Kristine is a little heartbreaker. That’s all I want to say about that. Drive to Racine. Go to preliminary hearing court. Drive to Arby’s. Barely finish my sandwich. Drive to Milwaukee County Jail for a consultation. Walk to the office and work all afternoon. Walk up St. Paul Avenue to 16th Street. Go up the stairs and cross the viaduct. Head south to Lincoln Avenue. Walk east to 7th Street. Walk back downtown. Go to Orange Theory. Very sweaty from killing it in there. At night walk to the office. Scan some police reports. Walk to the Fiserv Forum. Very crowded. Bucks win game one over the Toronto Raptors.

My spirit briefly lifts on Arthur Avenue

Go to the Safety Building for hearings. Go to the office. Work all afternoon. Walk south to Bay View. Walk further south to Oklahoma Avenue. Walk west to 6th Street. Walk north on 6th Street back downtown. Feel a bit down for most of the walk. However, my spirit briefly lifts on Arthur Avenue. In this moment I turn west towards the setting sun and take a picture.

Concert tent (summer is on its way)

Late leaving for work. Watch Game of Thrones. Khalessi gets on her dragon and torches the city. Drive to Racine. Make court appearances and meet new clients. Stop for lunch in Racine. Eat very delcious chinese food. Drive back to Milwaukee. Go to the jail for consultations. Walk to Pick N’ Save to go grocery shopping. It is nice and sunny. The concert tent is back up in Cathedral Square. Summer is on its way. Go to Orange Theory

Two game sevens

Sleep in late. Go to the office. Work all morning and into the afternoon. Go home. Listen to the Portland Trailblazers win game 7 over the Denver Nuggets. Watch the Toronto Raptors win game 7 over the Phildelphia 76ers. Low energy day.

Under construction

In the morning walk in Shorewood. Walk north past Capitol Drive. Walk up Capitol Drive to the point where it is torn up and under construction. Walk south to Locust Street. Walk east to Lake Drive. At night walk south on 2nd Street to Mitchell Street.

Tough work out

Go to the office in the morning. Go to the Safety Building for a hearing in the afternoon. Go to Orange Theory. Tough work out. Walk along the lakefront at sunset. Walk back down Farwell Avenue. Ride the Hop from Burns Commons to the Third Ward.