
Go to court in the morning to continue jury trial. At court all day. Go home for dinner. Vacuum the carpeting in the bedroom. Walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk west on North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. Walk past the Fiserv Forum. Go home tired.

Sailing into the Great Summer of 2019

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a sentencing hearing. Go to another court for jury trial. Stop at home for lunch. Walk to the office and back. Go back to the Safety Building to continue jury trial. Go home for dinner. Clean the living room. Dust the furniture. Scrub the floors with the Swiffer. Walk along the lakefront to North Point. Its cold on the outside but my mind is on summertime. I’m sailing into the Great Summer of 2019. Walk west on North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. Watch “The Italian Job” (1969).

Uncle Boonmee

In the morning walk west on St. Paul Avenue to 13th Street. Walk across the Marquette campus. Walk down to the Fiserv Forum. Go to the office. Work for a little bit. Walk home in the rain as the Memorial Day Parade goes down Wisconsin Avenue. Clean the kitchen. Scrub the counters and the floor. After dinner walk south to Mitchell Street. Walk west to 6th Street. Walk back downtown. Watch “Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives” (2010).

Walk past the kite festival

In the morning walk along the lakefront. Walk past the kite festival and the old car show. Walk to Northpoint Tower. In the afternoon go to Heather’s house for a grill out. Ride Bryce’s battery powered bicycle around their subdivision while Emmet chases me on his scooter. At night watch the movie “Patrick” (2018).

Dan Jansen Family Fest

Sleep in late. Work around the house. Walk to the office. Work around the office for a little while. Walk to the Dan Jansen Family Fest. Eat a hot dog. See the traveling Vietnam Wall exhibit. Walk east on Layton. Walk north on 27th Street. Walk down Mitchell Street. Get home way after dark. Walk over six hours. Bucks lose game six to Toronto. Season over.

Driving Rain

Go to the courthouse for hearings. Drive to West Allis to pick up paperwork from a client. Feed her cat some snacks. Drive to Sam’s Club to get soda and water. Drive to the Oak Creek Police Station in a driving rain. View videos with a police detective. Drive back home. Tired. Go to bed early.

I see Harley riders

Go to the Criminal Justice Facility for preliminary hearing. Go to the jail for a consultation. Go to the Safety Building. Jury trial is finally adjourned. Nice warm and sunny day. Walk up Martin Luther King Drive to North Avenue. Walk west to 27th Street. Walk east down Wisconsin Avenue. At sunset walk up St. Paul Avenue to 16th Street. Cross the viaduct to National Avenue. Walk east to 6th Street. Walk by the Harley Davidson Museum. See the Harley riders everywhere. Listen to Bucks lose game 5 to the Toronto Raptors.


Go to the Safety Building. Judge asks me to wait around to see if my case will go to jury trial. End up waiting at the courthouse all day. No jury trial. Total waste of time. Go to Orange Theory.

The crowd is disappointed

Go to the Safety building in the morning for a hearing. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint Tower. Stop at Ian’s for a slice of pizza. Walk along the river back downtown. Stop at Best Fish for a bag of worms for the fish’s dinner. Go to the office. At night walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk to the Fiserv Forum. There is a disappointed crowd gathered there to see the Bucks get clobbered by the Toronto Raptors. The series all tied up 2-2.

Mission Statement for Summer 2019

I choose to reach my goal weight (168 pounds) this summer, not because it is easy, but because it is hard. This is a challenge I am willing to accept, one I am unwilling to postpone, and one that I intend to win.