Geese crossing

Sleep in a little bit longer this morning. Go to the office to prepare for next week’s trial. Walk south to Bay View. Walk west on Oklahoma Avenue to 16th Street. Walk north on 16th Street back downtown. Watch geese crossing Emmber Lane against the traffic. Watch “Public Enemies” (2009).

Brewers sunset

Walk to the Safety Building. Go to the District Attorney’s office. Meet with a police detective. Look through the police file on a case. Go to the jail for a consultation. Walk back home. Walk down to the Salvation Army to drop off two bags of clothes. They are too big for me to wear now. Go to Orange Theory. Long time spent on the rowing machine. Walk to Miller Park. Check out all of the tailgating action. I am very relaxed and happy while taking in the Brewers sunset.

Walk through Riverwest

Drive to Racine in the morning. Go to court for preliminary hearing. Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Stop at Culver’s for a cheeseburger and fries. Go back downtown for a couple of jail consultations. Go home. Scrub and clean the bathroom floor. Walk along the lakefront to UW-Milwaukee. Walk south on Oakland Avenue to Locust Street. Walk through Riverwest over to Martin Luther King Drive. Walk back downtown.

Nice burst of warm sunshine

Go to the office in the morning. Go the U.S. Bank Tower for lunch. Nice burst of warm sunshine hits me as I walk out of the building. Walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk west to Martin Luther King Drive. Walk back downtown. Go back to the office. Go home for dinner. Dust the furniture in the bedroom. Go to Orange Theory.

Walk past Bradford Beach

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for jury trial. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront. It is bright, sunny and warm. Walk past Bradford Beach. Walk to UW-Milwaukee. Walk back down Oakland Avenue. Go home and vacuum the living room rug.

Lift alot of weights

Get up early. Go to the office to draft motions and get them out before court. Go to the Safety Building. Another jury trial. Eat Cheetos for lunch. Continue jury trial in the afternoon. Go to Orange Theory. Lift alot of weights. Struggle to finish.

June gloom

In the morning drive to the office to drop off the box of printer paper that has been sitting in the trunk for a while. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to North Point. Stop at Ian’s for a slice of pizza. Walk back down along the river to the Fiserv Forum. It starts raining a little. Clean out the filter on the fish tank while watching “Captain Marvel” (2019). Thunder and lightning outside. At sunset the rain clears. Walk up to Juneau Park and back. Kind of a gloom today.

Run a mile in under 12 minutes

Drive to Racine in the morning. Go to the jail for consultations. Drive to Ryan Road. Eat lunch at Cousins. See a dog sitting in a parked semi truck poking his head out the window to bark at me. Drive north on 27th Street to Sam’s Club. Buy soda, water and cereal. Drive to the Milwaukee County Jail. Go in for more consultations. Go home. Clean the utility closet out. Go to Orange Theory. Run a mile on the treadmill in under 12 minutes. Walk up St. Paul Avenue to 16th Street. Cross the viaduct. Walk south to Mitchell Street. Walk east to 2nd Street. Take a picture of the Pedal Tavern as the people on board smile and wave at me.

The Last Starfighter

Go to the Safety Building for jury trial. Finish up with a strong closing argument. In the afternoon run around between different courts for other hearings while handling jury questions and then the verdict. Go home for dinner. Walk to the office. Catch up on some work. Walk south to Lincon Avenue. Walk north back downtown along 6th Street. At night watch “The Last Starfighter” (1984).