Regency Mall

Drive to Racine in the morning. Go to the jail for consultations. Drive to Washington Avenue for lunch. Get chinese food. Drive to the Regency Mall. Walk around the mall. It is mostly empty. There are very few customers and many empty storefronts. Drive to the Racine County Courthouse. Case is set for jury trial. Client takes a plea at the last minute. Drive back home. In the early evening walk to Lorena’s house. Sit in her courtyard and talk. Walk back home at sunset and think about Kristine. Get a little depressed. At night watch “…And Justice for All” (1979).

Gray to sunny…sad to happy

Wake up to a cold morning filled with gray skies. Go to the office. Work all day on and off on various matters. Walk home to a warmer afternoon filled with sunny skies. My mood improves dramatically. From sad to happy. Go to Orange Theory.

Wrap myself up in a blanket

Walk up St. Paul Avenue to 13th Street. Walk over to Canal Street. Walk to Three Bridges Park. Cross over to National Avenue. Stop at McDonalds. Pick up a child’s toy that he dropped on the ground. He stops crying. Go home. Do a water change on the fish tank. Go to Heather’s house for a cookout. It is so cold. Wrap myself up in a blanket. At night watch “Invictus” (2009).

Pleasant Prairie

In the morning, drive to Pleasant Prairie. Go to the outlet mall. Walk to the Asics store. Buy new shoes, socks and shorts. Walk to the North Face store. Buy a new winter jacket. Go to the food court. Get lo mein, fried rice and bourbon chicken. Drive back home. In the afternoon, walk south on First Street to Mitchell Street. Walk west to Sixth Street. Walk back downtown. Go back to Polish Fest. Get another order of Pierogi. See the lady and walk up to her and slide a five dollar bill into her hand. It is too cold for this time of year. Go home and watch “The Revenant” (2015).


Drive to Racine in the morning. Go to court for a bunch of hearings. Drive a client back with me to Milwaukee. Drop him off at the downtown bus station. Go to the jail for consultations. Go to Orange Theory. Drop off another bag of clothes at the Salvation Army. They are also too big for me now. Walk along the lakefront to NorthPoint. Walk west on North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. Go down to Polish Fest. Stand in a very long line to get an order of five Pierogi. Sit on a bench and eat them while watching a polka band perform. Go home and watch “The Man Who Fell to Earth” (1976).


Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a hearing. Walk over to the courthouse for another hearing. Drive to Sam’s Club. Shop for soda and water. Drive to Culver’s. Have a cheesurger and ice cream. Start to drive to Racine. Still tired from yesterday. Turn around and go back home. Take a long and restful afternoon nap. Awesome. Recharged. Walk along the lakefront to Bradford Beach then over to UW-Milwaukee. Walk over to Oakland Avenue. Walk south to North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown.

My energy is depleted

Go to the Safety Building for a hearing. Go home for lunch. Rain outside. My energy is depleted. Crash on the couch. Watch “Hagazussa” (2017). Go to Orange Theory.

I keep on going

Get up early. Go to the office to write letters to clients. Go to Safety building for jury trial. Case is settled. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to North Point. Stop at Ian’s for a slice of pizza. Walk along the river and it starts to rain. Dodge in and out of the rain all the way back home. Legs sore. Blisters on my feet. I keep on going.

Yes Man

Drive to Racine. Go to court for a couple of hearings. Drive back to Milwaukee for jury trial. Walk to Brick Pizza for a slice at lunchtime. Walk up to Marquette University. Walk back to the Safety Building for jury trial. Go to Orange Theory. Watch “Yes Man” (2008).

Locust Street Festival

In the morning, walk along the lakefront to North Point. Walk up North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. In the afternoon, walk to the Locust Street Festival. Walk up Locust Street to 20th Street. Heavy rain starts. Walk back downtown. Listen to the Brewers finish the sweep of the Pittsburgh Pirates. At night, walk to the jail to drop of clothes for the client to wear at jury trial tomorrow. Walk over to the Fiserv Forum. Walk down to the lakefront. Cross out onto Lakeshore Park. Walk around the Third Ward. Watch “All that Jazz” (1979).