A sundae in the afternoon

Wake up to a dark and gloomy sky. Drive to Racine in the rain. Listen to “The Path to Power”, Robert Caro’s first book in a series about President Lyndon Johnson. Hear the section of the story describing Johnson’s first election to Congress in 1937. Exciting. Go to court for a very quick hearing. Drive home. It is still raining. In the afternoon the sun comes out. Walk along the lakefront. Stop at the ice cream stand to get a hot fudge sundae. At night walk to Miller Park. The Brewers lose to the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 9th inning.

Ride the Hop in the rain

Drive to Racine for a preliminary hearing. Drive back home. Walk to the Safety Building for a status hearing. Walk along the lakefront to North Point. It is warm and sunny. Along the way back home a massive storm hits. Rain comes down very hard. Run to a Hop station and climb on board. Ride the Hop back home.

Fireworks put me in a good mood

Walk to the courthouse in the morning. Go to court to get a case dismissed. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk back to the courthouse in the afternoon for a sentencing hearing. Go to Orange Theory. At night walk down to Summerfest. Opening Day. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk back down Farwell Avenue. Go back to the lakefront to watch the fireworks. In a very good mood. Get home late.

Stick a camera in a cat’s face

Walk to the office in the morning. Work a little while. Walk to the jail for consultations. Walk to MSDF for another consultation. Walk back home. In the afternoon walk up St. Paul Avenue to 16th Street. Cross the viaduct. On 16th Street hang out under cover while the rain passes. Stop at Jalisco’s for tacos. Not very good. Walk south to Oklahoma Avenue. Very bright warm sun breaks out. Walk east to 6th Street. Stop at Lorena’s house. Go to the neighbor’s kitchen table to help her friend fill out a complaint against his employer. Walk north to the Fiserv Forum. Walk back home as the sun sets in the sky. See a cat laying on the sidewalk on Broadway. Stick a camera in its face and take a picture.

Suddenly stormy

Go to the office in the morning. Work very little. In the afternoon walk to Ian’s for a slice of pizza. On the way home the sky suddenly turns from sunny and blue to dark and stormy. During a break in the rain walk down to Lakeshore State Park. Walk around the Third Ward. Watch “Rudy” (1993).

Miller Valley

Fight with exhaustion most of the day. In the morning walk along the lakefront to the Brady Street bridge. Go home and do a water change on the fish tank. Try to take a nap and fail. In the afternoon walk to Miller Park. See the Brewer fans spill out of the stadium smiling and happy after witnessing a nice win over the Cincinnati Reds. Walk west on Bluemound Road to 64th Street. Walk over to Wisconsin Avenue. Walk past the house of my first girlfriend. Walk over to State Street. Walk through the Miller Valley on my way back downtown. End up feeling energized and positive. A four hour walk.


Sleep in late. In the afternoon walk up St. Paul Avenue to 27th Street. Walk south to Oklahoma Avenue. Walk east to 16th Street. See a lady and a little girl working hard to get a kite to fly. Stop for tacos at Los Comales. Walk east on National Avenue. Very tired. Go to bed early.

Tarot Reading

Wake up late. Get a good night’s sleep. Go to the Safety Building in the morning for hearings. Things go quickly, giving me time for a nice walk before lunch. Walk up Prospect Avenue to Brady Street. In the afternoon drive to Racine for a hearing. In the early evening drive to client’s house to investigate a case. Speak to a witness. She is a witch. She studies my astrological chart, gives me a tarot card reading, and looks at my palms. She tells me to put aside my feelings for the women in my past while looking forward to the romance to come in the near future. After sundown go home and watch “The Horror of Dracula” (1958).


Wake up to another rainy cold morning. Go to the Safety Building for a hearing. Drive out to the House of Correction for a consultation. Stop at Culver’s for lunch. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. It is sunny out. See a butterfly enjoying the sun. Take a picture.

Little dog in the window

Walk to the office in the morning. Do a few things. Walk to the Criminal Justice Facility. Handle a hearing. Walk back home. Walk to the office. See a little dog in the window on Wisconsin Avenue. Work at the office all afternoon. Go to Orange Theory.