
181.0 pounds. Another new low. Trouble sleeping. My right knee and foot are in terrible pain. Put on an ice pack and take Advils. Wake up to a dark and stormy morning. Try to put on a smile. It is difficult for me today. Go to the jail for consultations. Go to court. Go to the courthouse cafe for lunch. Don’t eat much. Go to the Safety Building for a sentencing hearing. Walk over the State Office Building to meet with an attorney for the State Public Defender to plot strategy for our trial next week. In the conference room there is a portrait on the wall depicting Shiva as the cosmic dancer that creates the universe, then destroys it, then creates it again and again and again. At night watch “Danton” (1983).

Wim Hof Method

181.4 pounds. New low. In the morning watch the Wim Hof Method free mini class videos. Do the breathing exercises. Do a cold shower for a minute. Go to the office. Work all morning. Walk to the U.S. Bank Tower for lunch. Get a Q burger. Walk back to the office. Lay on the floor of my office to do more breathing exercises. Work the rest of the afternoon. Walk to the post office to drop off some mail. Go to Orange Theory. Walk back to the office to work a little bit more. Walk back to the post office to drop off more mail. Walk up St. Paul Avenue to 13th Street. Walk through the Marquette Campus then down to the FIserv Forum. Walk over to Pere Marquette park and see the River Rhythms concert. Walk back home. Do more breathing exercises. Watch “First to the Moon” (2018).

Epic night of sleep

Drive to Racine. Go to court for a status hearing. Drive home. Tired. Take a nap. Go to the office. Work all afternoon. Client stops by for a consultation. Go home. Tired. Decide to take another nap. End up sleeping over 11 hours. Epic night of sleep.

Ok thanks

Walk to the office. Open a bunch of new files. Walk to Ian’s pizza for lunch. Walk to the courthouse for a preliminary hearing. Walk back to the office. Make phone calls all afternoon. Walk to a lawyer’s office to pick up a file. Send a text to Kristine to wish her a happy birthday. Her response: “Ok thanks.” Go to Orange Theory.

In pain and kind of down too

Poor night of sleep. Painful legs, arms and shoulders. In the morning walk along the lakefront to Capitol Drive. Walk west to Humboldt Avenue. Walk south through Riverwest and back downtown. Walk through Bastille Days. See the lady and as I walk past slip her $5. Do a water change on the fish tank. In the afternoon walk up St. Paul Avenue to 16th Street. Cross the viaduct. Walk south to Mitchell Street. Walk back downtown. At sunset walk along the lakefront to Brady Street. Walk through Bastille Days. Legs are sore. Knees are sore. I am in pain most of the day. Feel kind of down too. Still able to walk over 50,000 steps. Watch “Capricorn One” (1978).

The Right Stuff

Sleep in very late. Suprised by how late. Lay around the rest of the day. Do laundry. Clean the kitchen. Do not go outside at all. Gathering up energy today. Watch “The Right Stuff” (1983).

Relax its Friday

Drive to Racine. Go to court for a plea hearing. Get a haircut. Have a phone consultation with a client in prison. Go to Orange Theory. Set out to walk to Miller Park. Give up before I reach the casino. Oh well, I can relax tonight. I earned it. I worked very hard this week. Its Friday. Future looks bright.

Storm the Bastille

Wake up later than I planned. Rush to get ready. Drive to Racine. Go to court for a preliminary hearing. Drive to Milwaukee. Go to court for two status hearings. Walk home for lunch. Walk back to the courthouse. Go in for two status hearings, two preliminary hearings and a sentencing hearing. Walk back home. Stop at Potbelly’s on the way to pick up a turkey sub. Eat dinner. Walk back to the courthouse to get my car. Drive it back home. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Start listening to the next Robert Caro book on Lyndon Johnson, “Master of the Senate”. On the way back home see the runners all over the downtown streets there to “Storm the Bastille”. Walk over to Bastille Days. Walk back home. In a very good mood. Best mood I have been in for some time.

Kitchen table

Drive to Racine in the morning. Go to the jail. Go in for consultations. Drive to Tony Chen’s for beef lo mein and pork fried rice. Drive to a client’s house. Meet with him at his kitchen table to discuss his case and review paperwork. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to NorthPoint. Go to Orange Theory. At night walk along the lakefront to NorthPoint. Listen to the Robert Caro book “Means of Ascent”. Hear all about how Lyndon Johnson stole the 1948 Texas Senate election against Governor Coke Stevenson, winning by 87 votes out of more than one million cast.

Tennis Ball Walker

Go to the office in the morning. Work all morning. Walk to Ian’s for a slice of pizza for lunch. Walk to the jail for a consultation. Walk back to the office. Walk past the Peck Pavillion. Old people are gathered there to watch a play. See one lady with a walker sitting behind her seat that has two tennis balls cut open and fitted around the front legs. Work all afternoon at the office. Stop at home to have dinner and feed the fish. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk west on North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. Walk past the Skyline Music Concert in Kadish park. In a good mood pretty much all day. At night watch “Bullitt” (1968).