Preseason Opener

Drive to Racine. Go to a quick status hearing. Go to the jail for consultations. Stop at Cousin’s for a turkey sub. Not very good. Drive to the Milwaukee County Courthouse. Go to court for a pre-trial hearing and a drug treatment court review. Go home super tired. Lay on the couch. Watch the Green Bay Packers pre-season opener. Beat the Houston Texans 28-26.

Police horse

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a hearing. Walk to the office to work on a bunch of things. Crank out letters, phone calls and file reviews. Walk to the jail in the afternoon for a consultation. Walk back home. Go to Orange Theory. Walk down to the lakefront and up to Northpoint. Walk along the river to Denim Park. Stop to see the concert. See a couple of dogs fighting. Walk over to Pere Marquette Park. Stop to see the concert there. See a police horse feeding on a bag of hay.

Eddie Martini’s

Go to court in the morning for status hearings. Drive to Sam’s Club to buy soda and water. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk along the river back downtown. Stop at Best Fish to get worms for the fish’s dinner. Drive to Eddie Martini’s to celebrate my dad and my sister’s birthdays. Eat a very large ribeye steak.

Recover some energy

Go to court in the morning. Attend several hearings. Go to the courthouse cafe for lunch. Turkey sub and chips. Go to court in the afternoon for a sentencing hearing. Go home very tired. Take a short nap. Recover some energy. At night walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk along the river back downtown.

Port of Milwaukee

In the morning walk along the lakefront to the Brady Street Bridge. Walk back home for lunch. In the afternoon walk south to Bay View. Walk east. Walk out to the Port of Milwaukee. See large piles of salt. Walk all the way to the Jones Island Sewer Plant. Walk back west to 6th Street. Stop at Lorena Cardena’s house. She does not answer. Leave. At sunset walk to Miller Park. Stop at Friday’s for an oreo desert. Walk back home in the dark. See that one lady on Wisconsin Avenue. I know when I see her that the universe is telling me I am on the right path. Go to bed late.

The fall of Saigon

Drive to Sam’s Club to get soda and water. Change the filter on the fish tank. Watch Vietnam War documentary. Learn all about the fall of Saigon in 1975. Start listening to the fourth book by Robert Caro on Lyndon Johnson, “The Passage of Power” (2012).

Knee pain returns

Wake up with knee pain. Left knee. Hurts all day. Walk to the office. Work all morning. Walk to the U.S. Bank tower for lunch. Walk back to the office. Work all afternoon. Walk home. Knee still hurts. Warm, sunny beautiful summer day. I am forced to rest and miss out on the joy. Stay in and watch “The Mule” (2018).

Master of the Senate

Ride the train down to Chicago. Walk around downtown Chicago. Ride the train back home. Finish listening to the third book in the series on Lyndon Johnson: “Master of the Senate” by Robert Caro. Took me three weeks to get through it. Feel a little down the whole day.

Another nice calm summer evening

Walk to the office in the morning. Work all morning. Walk home for lunch. Eat Pop Tarts. Walk to the courthouse. Go to the Safety Building for a hearing. Walk back home. Go to Orange Theory. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk up North Avenue. Walk along the river. Stop at Denim Park to see the concert. Walk to Pere Marquette Park to see the River Rythms concert. Nice calm, warm summer evening.


Meet with a guy in the building to set up my new parking spot. No more fighting for a parking spot in the big lot across the street. Now I will be parking in an assigned lot just for me right next to the building. This is an awesome development. Walk up to the office. Meet with my investigator and a witness. Discuss cases. Do more work. Walk to the U.S. Bank tower for lunch. Get a salad. Walk back to the office. Do some more work. In the afternoon, walk to Menards in West Milwaukee to get a universal remote so I can open the gate to the parking lot next to my building. Walk to Culver’s for dinner. Walk home. Program the code into the dip switch of the remote. Go outside to test it. When it finally works I loudly yell out in a joyous manner: “Boom!”. At sunset, drive down to St Francis to get soda from Pick N’Save. Stop at the Petco next door to get packages frozen blood worms, fronzen shrimp and frozen Emerald Entree for the fishes. There was a sadness hanging over me in the morning that gradually lifted little by little over the course of the day. By the time the sun set for the day, I was feeling much better.