Baby Skyy in my arms

In the morning listen to the end of the Woodstock concert with the Jimi Hendrix performance. Walk to the north side. Head up Fond du Lac Avenue to the corner of Sherman Boulevard and Ruby Avenue. Stop to see Latia. Hold baby Skyy in my arms. She sleeps so peacefully. Hang out there for a while. Leave out. Walk up to Hampton Avenue. Walk east to Oakland Avenue. Walk south all the way back downtown as the sun sets. Beautiful warm late summer evening.

Another day of Woodstock

At dawn wake up to hear the start of the performance by The Who. Fall back asleep. Wake up to listen to the Jefferson Airplane. Walk up the Hank Aaron trail to 76th Street. Walk north to Wisconsin Avenue. Walk back downtown while listening to Joe Cocker’s set. At sunset walk along the lakefront to Capitol Drive. Walk south on Humboldt. Listen to Ten Years After and The Band. Go to bed while listening to Blood, Sweat and Tears. Wake up later to hear a little bit of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.

More Woodstock

Go to the courthouse in the morning for a status hearing. Drive to Racine for more court. Go to Kenosha to shop at Sam’s Club and grab lunch at HuHot. Go back to the Racine courthouse in the afternoon for more court. Drive home. Tired. Lay around and listen to more Woodstock. Listen to Mountain and The Grateful Dead. Fall asleep. Wake up to hear Janis Joplin. Half awake and half asleep. I can hear the pain of the blues in her raspy voice. It is mesmerizing. Fall back asleep.

Woodstock – as it happened

Go to court in the morning for a couple of status hearings. Drive to Fox Point for another Cryotherapy session. Take a short walk over lunch. Walk along the lakefront up to the Brady Street Bridge then back downtown. Walk to court for a couple of afternoon hearings. Walk to the office. Walk home. Walk south to Bay View. Walk to Lincoln Avenue. Walk north on 16th Street back downtown. Finish listening to the fourth book in the Robert Caro Series on Lyndon Johnson: “The Passage of Power” (2012). My mood improves the longer the walk goes on. Stumble across a broadcast of the first night of the Woodstock concert played minute-by-minute exactly as it happened on August 15, 1969. A radio station in Philadelphia is putting it on: “The innovative as if you were there broadcast on WXPN will include all of the stage announcements, and even the breaks between artist sets, to stay in sync with the timing and length of the original event.” Outstanding.

Cryotherapy is working

Wake up amazed that my knees and legs are not sore. I am positive. I usually am slow and down in the morning. Not today. Make an appointment to get in for more cryotherapy. It is working. Drive to Fox Point. Go in for the treatment. Drive back to court in the rain. Go to preliminary hearing. Go to the jail for a consultation. Go home. Do a water change on the fish tank while watching “Woodstock” (1970). Go to Orange Theory for the noon workout. The gym is packed. Today is “Inferno”. Walk home. Take a shower. Walk back to the courthouse for another hearing. Stop in the jail for another consultation. Walk home. Take a quick nap on the couch while more “Woodstock” is playing. Walk down to the lakefront. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk along the river back downtown. Stop to see the outdoor concerts in Denim Park and Pere Marquette Park.

Better and better

Go to court in the morning for a preliminary hearing. Drive to Fox Point for another cryotherapy treatment. Walk to the office. Work on some stuff. Walk to the jail for consultations. Walk back to the office. Work on more stuff. Walk along the lakefront and head over to UW-Milwaukee. Walk back downtown as a full moon rises in the sky. I started out on this walk still depressed and sad but as it went on I felt better and better.

Cutting Group

Go to court in the morning for hearings. Jury trial is adjourned. Walk up Prospect Avenue. Stop at the Cutting Group to get a haircut. The cut is very short. My look changes dramatically. Walk back downtown. Go to Fox Point for Cryotherapy. Tired and depressed. No walking tonight. Go to bed early.

Dream woman under the moon

Sleep in all morning. Lay in bed until after 11:00 A.M. In the afternoon walk up St. Paul Avenue to 16th Street. Walk south to Morgan Avenue. Walk west to 27th Street. Walk east on National Avenue then walk back downtown. Later walk to Catalano Square to check out the last day of the “Under One Moon” event. There I see a most beautiful woman. She is taking a picture of her friend standing under the giant replica of the moon hanging overhead. I take a picture of her. As she walks past me our eyes meet. It is love. Tonight I saw my dream woman under the moon.


In the morning drive to Fox Point. Go to Cryotherapy appointment. Walk in the chamber and get bombarded by extremely cold air. Towards the end of the session it starts to hurt. The treatment seems to work. The usual soreness in my knees is not there the rest of the day. Awesome! Go to the office. Work for several hours. Have a pizza delivered for lunch. At night walk to Miller Park. See drunk fans in the parking lot who are there just to party while the game goes on without them. Walk under the Valley Passage to National Avenue. Walk east on National Avenue to Water Street. Walk to Catalano Square to see another night of the “Under One Moon” event. Brewers won again tonight.

Under One Moon

Walk to the office. Drop off a suit at the dry cleaners. Walk to MSDF for a consultation. Walk back to the office. Meet my investigator. Drive to the northside in the investigator’s car to check out a crime scene with him. Go to Orange Theory. Walk to Miler Park. Walk back down to Catalano Square. Stop by to check out the “Under One Moon” festival.