Not much of a day

Sleep in late. Walk to Best Fish to get worms for the fish’s dinner. Stop at Ian’s for a slice of pizza. Use my free pizza card. Stop at the office to pay some bills. In the afternoon walk south to Bay View. Walk to Oklahoma Avenue. Walk back north on Chase Avenue. See Lorena and her husband drive by. They honk and wave at me. Go to bed early. Not much of a day.

Brewers beat up the Chicago Cubs

Go to the office in the morning. Get very little work done. Drive to Racine. Go to the courthouse for a hearing. Drive home. Take a short nap. Go to Orange Theory. Walk to Miller Park at sunset. Walk around the stadium while inside the Brewers are beating up the Chicago Cubs. Walk over to National Avenue. Stop at McDonalds for a cheeseburger. Walk over to 16th Street and cross the bridge.

It is good to return to Orange Theory

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a hearing. Go to the jail for consultations. Drive to Pleasant Prairie. Go to the outlet mall. Get some running shoes. Stop at Best Buy to get a new band for my Fitbit to replace the one that broke this morning. Go to Burger King for a cheeseburger. Drive to the Racine County Jail. Go in for an extended supervision revocation hearing. Drive home. Go to Orange Theory. It is good to return to Orange Theory. My first session back there in a few weeks. I pick up where I left off. A very nice work out. At night walk to Miller Park. Walk over the Three Bridges Park. Walk past the Mitchell Park Domes. Walk east on National Avenue.

Floating along the horizon

In the morning walk to the office. Work all morning. Walk home for lunch. Walk to the Safety Building in the afternoon for a motion hearing. Walk back to the office. Go home and lay on the couch. Too tired to go for a walk. Decide to try for a walk anyway. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. See a fleet of sailboats floating along the horizon. Get an ice cream cone at the custard stand. Walk west on North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. Walk south on Broadway.

Try to catch up on missing sleep

Terrible night of sleep. Wake up stressed out. Stomach hurts. It is dark and raining outside. Drive to the Children’s Courthouse for a hearing. Drive back downtown for a long sentencing hearing and another status hearing. Go back home. Tired. Take a long nap to catch up on the sleep I missed out on last night. Still tired. At sunset walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Get a caramel sundae for dinner. Walk west on North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. Walk past MSOE. Walk south on Broadway past city hall.

Long walk to see Latia and Skyy

Wake up late. Go to the office in the morning to pick up files for tomorrow. Stand on the sidewalk to watch the Labor Day parade go by. Walk to the Summerfest grounds for Laborfest. Go on a long walk to see Latia and Skyy. Out walking over eight hours. Hold little baby Skyy in my arms. She is so peaceful. Then she gets cranky after a little while. Put a bottle in her mouth. She enjoys drinking the mixture inside the bottle. Give Latia a hug before I go. Walk back home in the dark.

Lazy Sunday

In the morning walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk west on North Avenue. Follow along the river back downtown. Go to Hartland. Pick up my old law school notes. Go to Heather’s house. Participate in football fantasy draft. Drive home after dark.


Clean the house all day. Scrub the kitchen counters. Mop the floors. Scrub the bathroom. Vacuum. Dust. Do the laundry. Disinfect everything to get rid of all the flu germs. Watch “Shazam!” (2019).

Slammed at sentencing

Go to the Safety Building for a hearing. Drive to Racine. Go to the courthouse for more hearings. Client gets slammed at sentencing. Two Fridays in a row now. At sunset walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk west on North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown.

The sickness begins to lift

Wake up still sick. Go to court. Feel dizzy. Go to hearings. Go home. Lay on the couch. Go back to court. Still sick. Still dizzy. Go to hearings all afternoon. Despite my suffering I am on the job. Go home. The sickness begins to lift. Finally!! Go for a walk. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street. Walk to Cathedral Square for Jazz in the Park.