Toss and turn

Go the office with a plan to work all day and catch up. Start out strong in the morning. Clear my desk. Catch up on some other things. Walk to the U.S. Bank tower for lunch. Walk back to work. Try to get back to work. Give up. Go home and try to take a nap. Extreme difficulty getting to sleep. Don’t sleep well at night. Toss and turn.

Epic exhaustion

In the morning walk to the Safety Building. Stay at the courthouse all day. The longer I am there the more my energy is drawn down. This is truly epic exhaustion. Walk home barely able to see straight. Way too tired. Go to bed early.


Drive to the Safety Building in the morning for a quick hearing. Go to the jail for a consultation. Drive back home. Work around the house. In the afternoon walk back to the Safety Building for a sentencing hearing. Walk home tired. Go to bead early while listening to the Brewers defeat the Arizona Diamondbacks and clinch a spot in the playoffs.

Friday’s front row deck

In the morning walk up to the office to prep the file for court. Drive to Racine. Go to court for a hearing. Drive back home. Take a quick nap. The weather is too summer like again to pass up. Walk to Miller Park. Have dinner on the Friday’s front row deck. My waitress is totally fine. Watch the grounds crew preparing the field for the possibility for another game or two this season. If it is more games they will be playoff games.

Student Union

In the morning drive to Racine. Go to the courthouse for a bunch of hearings. Quickly race out of there and drive back to Milwaukee for another hearing. Get the case called right before the afternoon break. In the afternoon the summer like weather is too lovely to pass up. Walk along the lakefront to UW-Milwaukee. Go to the student union. Hang out with the students. Walk down to Locust Street. Walk south back downtown. Go to Orange Theory.

Troniyah’s birthday party

Drive to Racine. Go to the jail for consultations. Drive to Sam’s Club to get soda and water. Drive around trying in vain to find a place available to do an oil change on my car. Go to Huhot for lunch. Go to the Kenosha County Detention Center for a consultation. Drive home. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk up North Avenue. A crazy female takes off her clothes right in front of me then runs into the street. Nice body. Go to Orange Theory. Go to Latia’s mother’s house. There are alot of kids there to celebrate Latia’s daughter’s birthday. I give Troniyah a twenty dollar bill for her birthday. She gives me a big hug. I eat barbeque hot dogs, cake, and cotton candy. I hang out with all the kids. I have a nice time.


Go to court in the morning for a couple of hearings. Go home and clean out the filter on the fish tank while watching old episodes of “Kung Fu”. The fish tank is now nice and refreshed. Go back to the courthouse for a status hearing and a sentencing hearing. Go home tired. Take a short nap. Walk to the office. Prepare all the files for tomorrow and next week. Walk home exhausted. Go to bed early.

Late arriving fans

Walk to court in the morning. Resume jury trial. Make my closing argument. Wait around to the afternoon for a verdict. Walk home. Walk up to the office to work on files for tomorrow. Walk to Miller Park. Watch the late arriving fans gathering around the entrances to the stadium and then filing in.