Rock you like a Hurricane

Go to Cryotherapy in the morning. Still sore afterwards. Walk to the office. Make a few phone calls. Walk to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Come outside and see a little protest set up in front of the jail. The group there is protesting my client’s incarceration. I buy a t-shirt from my client’s mom. They are chanting: “No Justice, No Peace!” Go back in the Safety Building to meet another client for a court hearing there. Afterwards, go back outside and the protest is still going on. Hang around. An old client walks by to sign the protest list. We chat for a little bit. Walk home. My body is so sore. I am feeling down too. Go to Orange Theory. Everything turns around on the treadmill. I leave there in a fantastic mood and with all kinds of energy. Walk along the lakefront at night. A half moon is up in the sky and some stars are out there too. Post on Facebook about my positive experience at Orange Theory. Here it is:

I didn’t want to go in tonight. My body was sore and my spirit was down. Then coach rocked out the music. Once I heard the Scorpions “Rock you like a Hurricane” everything was all better. Then I killed that workout.

Kicking the Verlo Mattress mascot

In the morning walk down to the lakefront. See a kid beating up on the Verlo Mattress mascot at the Summerfest grounds. The kid is kicking it hard. Walk to Northpoint. Walk along the route of the Milwaukee Marathon. Walk past the lead runners as they head tpwards the finish line. Walk up to North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. In the afternoon walk south to College Avenue. Walk west to 20th Street. Walk north to Layton Avenue. Walk down to 6th Street. Walk north to Oklahoma Avenue. Walk to Bay View. Listen to the Packers beat the Dallas Cowboys, 34-24.


In the morning go to Cryotherapy. Body was sore when I woke up but felt better after the deep freeze. Take the train to Chicago. Walk around the city. Listen to blowouts all over college football. Listen to the Badgers blow out Kent State, 48-0. Listen to Harvard crush Howard , 42-7. Listen to Notre Dame beat up on Bowling Green, 52-0. Take the train back home.

Still hiding in the plants

Go to the courthouse in the morning for a restitution hearing and a sentencing hearing. Go to the jail for two long consultations with clients. Eat lunch in the courthouse cafeteria. Go to court in the afternoon for two more hearings. Go home. Sunny afternoon. Fall asleep on the couch. Go to Orange Theory. The little fish I bought on Sunday is still mostly hiding in the plants. The adjustment period is long with this one.

iPhone 11

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a sentencing hearing. Go to the jail for a consultation. Go to the office. Work all afternoon. Another outstanding effort at the office. Get alot of work done. Walk to the Verizon Store. Upgrade my iPhone 8s to the iPhone 11. Very relaxed and at ease while I conduct business at the Verizon store. Transfer all data to the new phone. All the apps are there. All the pictures are there. All the messages are there. Walk out totally happy with how it all went. After sunset look up to see a glorious half moon dancing in the clouds as Jupiter sits close by.

Office day

Rainy and gray skies all day long. In the morning walk to the office for a day of work. Get a great deal of work done. Very happy with my effort today. Have tacos for lunch. At night walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk up to North Avenue then down Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street then back downtown.


Go to court in the morning for a hearing. In the afternoon return for another hearing. Get into it with client in the hallway. Client not on medications today. Go home tired. Go to bed early. Listen to the Brewers-Nationals playoff game. Brewers lead all the way to the 8th inning then have a meltdown and lose the game 4-3. Season over.

Just like summer

Go to the jail in the morning for a consultation. Go to the courthouse for a hearing. Sunny and very warm. Just like summer. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Capitol Drive. Walk up Downer Avenue to UW-Milwaukee. Walk south on Oakland to North Avenue. Walk down Farwell Avenue then over to Brady Street. Walk back downtown.

Productive on a rainy Sunday

Wake up to a rainy and grey morning. It will stay this way the whole day. Walk to the office in the morning. Get alot done. Very productive. Walk home and make spaghetti for lunch. Walk back to the office. Get a little bit more done. Pack up for Monday. Walk home. Drive to the Fish Factory. Buy a German Red Peacock Cichlid Fish. Drive home. Do a water change on the tank to distract the other fish while I slip the new fish into the tank. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. It is drizzly and wet out. Walk up North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown.

Women’s rugby action lifts the darkness

Wake up depressed. Decide to walk until it goes away. This works. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Stop to watch a women’s rugby match. They scream and yell while they knock each other around. This is the moment the darkness lifts. I walk off in a much better mood. The good vibrations keep growing the rest of the day. Walk north to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a cheeseburger and an ice cream sundae. Walk south on Humboldt. Listen to the Wisconsin Badgers beat Northwestern. In the afternoon, walk south to Bay View. Walk down to Oklahoma Avenue. Walk west to 27th Street. Stop at Leon’s for an ice cream cone. Walk north on 27th Street. Listen to Notre Dame beat Virgina. The sun is setting. It is beautiful outside. I am happy again. Go home and relax. Walked over 50,000 steps today.