Bright sunshine

In the morning go to the Safety Building for a couple of hearings. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Bright sunshne. Walk up North Avenue to Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Walk to Best Fish. Get the fish some worms for dinner. Walk home. At night drive to Sam’s Club to buy soda and other supplies. In a very good mood all day.

Fix the filter issue

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a status hearing. Go over the skywalk to the courthouse for another status hearing. Go home and fix the filter issue. The tank is very stirred up and the fish are out of sorts. The past two days have disrupted their routines. Go back to court in the afternoon for another status hearing. Go home and clean up the house. My mood is tremendously improved from where it was yesterday. Go to Orange Theory.

Not a nice day

Not a nice day. Work on cleaning the filter on the fish tank. The filter won’t pump when I reinstall it. Frustrated all day over the filter. In the afternoon walk to the southside. Stop by Lorena’s house. She doesn’t answer my texts. The men outside are working on a truck. They don’t speak much English. Walk to the former tent city under the freeway. The is nothing left there but garbage and bad smell. Walk home. Continue to try and fix the filter while watching the Packers get upset by the Los Angeles Chargers. Go to bed frustrated and a little depressed too.

Next year is 2020

Walk along the lakefront to Capitol Drive. Walk to Office Depot to get a date planner for next year. Next year is 2020. Walk back downtown.

She is so fine

Go to the court in the morning for several hearings. Lay around the couch in the afternoon. Exhausted from the week. Go to Orange Theory. There is a woman who goes to many of my classes that I have a huge crush on. I can see her working out on the floor from my treadmill. Holy fuck. She is so fine.


Snowstorm on Halloween. Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a sentencing hearing. Drive to Racine in a snowstorm. Go to court for a plea hearing. Wait in the lobby with the client for court to get called. Drive home as the snowstorm tapers off. I can never in my life remember a snowstorm on Halloween.

Hell week

Drive to the jail in the morning for consultations. Drive out to the House of Correction for another consultation. Go home and rest up for tonight’s workout. Go to Orange Theory. It is “Hell Week”. It is heavy on cardio and weight lifting. My heart rate soars into the red zone and sits there the whole workout. I get so far into the intensity of the workout that I get high off of it.

More red leaves

Go to the office in the morning. Work all morning. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street. Walk up Brady Street. Walk south back downtown. See more trees all over with red leaves.


Go to the Safety Building in the morning all ready for jury trial. It does not go. Adjournment. In the afternoon go back to the Safety Building for a bail hearing. At night lay on the couch and watch television.