
In the afternoon go to the office for a little while. Don’t do very much. Run across a new app to use on my walks. It is called “Geocaching”. Walk up Prospect Avenue all the way past Northpoint. Go to the southern end of Lake Park. Look all around the benches for the Geocache that is hidden there. Use the flashlight on my iPhone. Can’t find it. Walk back downtown. Walk to Pompeii Square. Look all around the benches. Just about to give up. Wait. Found it! The geocache is a small container stuck underneath the bench using velcro. Take a picture and post on the app and brag aboout my success. I am excited. All this is happening while I listen to the Bucks clobber the Indiana Pacers.

Positive about my progress

Lay around all morning. In the afternoon drive out to the House of Correction for a consultation. My quads are sore. Drive to Racine for a quick hearing. Go to Orange Theory. Feeling very positive about my progress. Post a photo of myself and brag about it all on Facebook.

This is the shirt I wore when I went bar hopping in Oconomowoc back in the day. I was in my 20’s then and this shirt always fit kinda tight on me. Now I wear it to go to my workouts and its getting too big for me.

Guild Battlegrounds

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for hearings. Walk over to the courthouse for another hearing. Stop at home for lunch. Go to the office in the afternoon. At night lay on the couch and play the new Guild Battlegrounds feature on Forge of Empires.


Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a hearing. Go to the jail for a consultation. Drive to Firestone to get my car fixed. Bad waterpump. Stuck there for three hours. Walk over to Southgate Cinema. Watch “Joker” (2019). Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Drive home. Go to Orange Theory. Go on Facebook. Post my legal analysis of the homicides committed by the Joker in the movie.

I saw Joker today while my car was getting fixed. My legal opinion as to the homicides Joker committed in the film: The three guys Joker kills in the subway: two are done in self defense but the third guy is shot in the back at close range while in retreat. Joker does not have the privilege. Joker flees the scene. This demonstrates consciousness of guilt. Therefore no insanity defense. Joker can argue adequate provocation since the guys on the subway all attacked him first. That gets him to 2nd Degree Intentional Homicide. When Joker kills his mother in her hospital bed it is an intentional act. However, by this point in the film he is fully delusional. Joker is seeing people that are not there, cannot control his emotions, and has been off his anti-psychotic medications for some time. Insanity defense. When Joker slammed his co-worker’s head into the wall several times in front of a witness who he lets go he shows no recognition that the act was wrongful. Insanity defense. Finally, when Joker shot Robert DeNiro in the head on live television he again shows no recognition of the wrongfulness of his conduct. Insanity defense for that one too. Dark movie. Interesting legal issues though.

Artic freeze

Very cold today. Arctic freeze. Go to the courthouse for a hearing. Go to the jail for consultations. In the afternoon go to the office and work until it gets dark outside.

The temperature plummets

Wake up to a snowstorm. Go to the Safety Building for a jury trial. Case dismissed. Walk over to the courthouse for another jury trial. Case adjourned. Take an afternoon nap. The temperature plummets. Walk around downtown for a little while.

Musica Antiqua

In the morning walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk up to Farwell Avenue. Walk down Farwell to Brady Street. Walk back downtown. Listen to Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music on the Musica Antiqua show on WORT-FM from Madison, Wisconsin. In the later afternoon walk up to 16th Street. Walk south to Lincoln Avenue. Walk west to Miller Park Way. Walk to National Avenue. Walk to 27th Street. Cross the viaduct. Walk back downtown on Wisconsin Avenue. Listen to the Packers hold off the Carolina Panthers 24-16. At night walk up to the office to prepare the files for tomorrow. Go home and do some laundry before bed.

I feel terrific in Juneau Park

In the afternoon walk to the office. Walk to Juneau Park. Feel terrific. Walk up Prpspect Avenue. Walk up Black Cat Alley. Walk west on North Avenue to Martin Luther King Drive. Walk back downtown. Stop at Best Fish. Buy some worms for the fish’s dinner. Buy a Blue Hook Silver Dollar fish. Name it “Moon Beam”. This fish makes itself at home. Digs in when the worms are dropped in the tank. At night walk up to 16th Street. Walk down Cesar Chavez Drive. Walk to Greenfield Avenue. Feet start to hurt. Walk home.

Psychotropic medications are ineffective

Walk to the Hyatt Regency. Attend the State Public Defender Conference. Listen to speakers discuss mindfulness practice for lawyers and the ineffectiveness of long term use of psychotropic medications for the mentally ill. Walk to the southside to pick up a file from a law office on a new case. Go to Orange Theory.

Various speakers

Cold day. Walk to the Hyatt Regency. Sign up for the State Public Defender Conference. Listen to varous speakers discuss trauma, racism, Supreme Court decisions and tactics for sentencing arguments.