Out of energy

Go to the Safety Building in the morning. Handle a sentencing hearing. Don’t do much else the rest of the day. My mind and body are out of energy. Watch a bunch of Star Trek episodes.

Sit by the Christmas tree

Drive to Racine in the morning. Go to court for a hearing. Drive back to Milwaukee. Stop at Culver’s for lunch. Sit by the Christmas tree. Go to the jail for a consultation. My quads are super sore today. Rest on the couch until my pain goes away. Watch Star Trek. Do a water change on the fish tank. Go to Orange Theory.

Along the railroad tracks

In the morning drive to Racine. Go to the jail for a consultation. On the way back stop at Sam’s Club to get soda, water and other supplies. In the afternoon walk to the south side. Stop by Lorena’s house. Hang out and talk with her for a while. Walk back home along the railroad tracks. At night watch a little bit of the Packer game. It is not pretty. They are clobbered by the San Francisco 49ers.

Student protest

Walk up Prospect Avenue. Walk up Downer Avenue. Walk north up Lake Drive. Stop at a lttle path in Shorewood to find a geocache. It is hiding in a hole in the bottom of a tree truck. Walk to Capitol Drive. Walk east to Culver’s. Eat lunch. Look for another geocache along the river. Find it stuck inside a cement container. Walk home. Listen to Yale beat Harvard in overtime 50-43. Because of the half time student protest against climate change, the game takes over four and a half hours to finish.

The Menagerie

Go to the Safety Building in the morning. Sit around waiting for my cases to be called. In the afternoon relax and watch Star Trek. Watch the two part espisode “The Menagerie”. Go to Orange Theory.

Milwaukee Harbor

Go to the office in the morning. Work on a response brief to a joinder motion. In the afternoon go to the Criminal Justice Facility for a preliminary hearing. Go to Orange Theory. At night walk to the boat launch point at the Milwaukee Harbor to look for a geocache. Look and look and look. Don’t find it. Walk home disappointed. Listen to the Bucks stomp all over the Atlanta Hawks.

Just like Neil Armstrong

In the morning go to the Safety Building for a quick hearing. Drive to Racine. Go to the Law Enforcement Center for another quick hearing. Stop at Pick N’ Save to get groceries. See another lawyer in the parking lot loading items into the trunk of his car. In the afternoon go to the office. Draft a bunch of letters to send out to clients. Walk along the lakefront. See workers paving a part of the lakefront trail. Start to walk around the site. A construction worker waves me over and says I can cross the newly paved section. It is dry. “You are the first one to walk on it”, he says. Just like Neil Armstrong. Walk to the stairs in Back Bay Park to look for a geocache. Look until it gets dark. I don’t find it. Walk home in a great mood anyway.

Walk down into a ravine

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for jury trial. Cut a deal with the prosecutor. No trial. Go to the office. Work on getting bills out for payment. In the afternoon walk to North Avenue to look for a geocache. Walk down into a ravine. Find the geocache stuck inside a wall of rocks. Post a photo on the app and brag about my success.  At night go to Orange Theory. Later go to Walker’s Point to look for another geocache. It is a little container with magnets attached tucked into a park bench. Write my name and date on the paper roll inside. Post a photo on the app and brag about my success. 

She is dancing and shaking her body

In the morning walk to Lakeshore State Park. Climb out on the rocks along Lake Michigan. Find the geocache tucked in the rocks. Post a photo on the app and brag about my success. Walk down to Veterans Park. Walk out the middle of the park. It is a wet, muddy and sloppy mess. Find another geocache. It is inside a fake rock which is hidden under a bigger rock. Post a photo on the app and brag about my success. Walk down further by the lagoon. Find another geocache under a pine tree. It is a little toy alligator. Post a photo on the app and brag about my success. Walk over to Brady Street. Walk to Pizza Shuttle. Get a slice of pizza. Walk back downtown. There is a very cute girl walking in front of me. She is dancing and shaking her body. She must be listening to music she likes. Maybe she is happy. Maybe she is a little weird. I love it. I ask the universe to bless me by bringing a girl like this into my life and get quick about it. Later after dark walk around to look for more geocaches. It is rainy and miserable out. Give up after a few minutes. Go home and do some laundry and watch football.