Wind down my little holiday from work

In the morning do a water change on the fish tank. Stop at the office to finish up my trial preparation for Monday. In the afternoon, walk along the Oak Leaf Trail to Capitol Drive. Walk south on Oakland Avenue back downtown. Listen to the NFL Playoffs. The Minnesota Vikings upset the New Orleans Saints in overtime and the Seattle Seahawks defeat the Philadelphia Eagles. Stop at the office and scan old files until it gets dark outside. At night go for a brief walk to wind down my little holiday from work by walking east on Wisconsin Avenue and then north up to Juneau Park.

Reflecting off the high rises

Go to the office. Work on getting ready for next week. At sunset head out on the Oak Leaf Trail. See the glow of the setting sun reflecting off the high rises that perch above the path where I walk. Walk to Capitol Drive,. Walk east to Oakland Avenue. Walk back downtown. Listen to the Houston Texans come back in overtime to beat the Buffalo Bills in the NFL playoffs. Exciting.

Nice bounce back

Sleep in late again this morning. It was a nice, long night of restfull sleep. Energizing. Nice bounce back. Go to the office. Work very efficiently. Phone calls, letters, documents for court, time entries, the works. At night walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a cheeseburger and a hot fudge sundae. Walk home a little sore but in a great mood.

Adjust the seat a bunch of times

Sleep late. Ride the Nordictrack in the morning. Adjust the seat a bunch of times. I am getting better at using the bike. Go to the office. Difficulty concentrating. Go home and take a nap. Tired the rest of the day.

Watch people jump in Lake Michigan

183.7 pounds. In the morning ride on the Nordictrack. 30 minutes. Later in the day walk along the lakefront to Bradford Beach. Watch people jump in Lake Michigan. Walk back home. Lay on the couch. At night walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Capitol Drive. Culver’s is closed. Throws me off. Walk over to Oakland Avenue. Go to George Webb’s. The waitress makes me take off my hood. I look too thuggish. Walk to Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street. Bump into a suspect running from the police. Stop to watch her get cuffed and hassled. Walk back home.

See a bunch of kids fall down on the ice rink

Ride the Nordictrack in the morning. Struggle to keep up with the beginner level class. In the afternoon go to the office. Work on a few things. Scan some old files. At night walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culvers for a cheeseburger and a caramel sundae. Pet a couple of dogs while out walking. One on Capitol Drive and the other one on Farwell Avenue. Walk south on Downer Avenue past UW-Milwaukee. Walk back downtown. Stop by Red Arrow Park to see the skaters on the rink. See a bunch of kids fall down on the ice rink.

The Nordictrack cycle arrived today.

The new Nordictrack cycle arrived today. Ride it for a few minutes to get it started. My plan is to ride every morning. Get my heart rate up and burn calories right when I start the day. This is an essential component of my plan to reach my goal weight in 2020. Later go to the office. Work on a few things. At night walk up the Oak Leaf trail to Capitol Drive. Walk south on Downer Avenue past UW-Milwaukee. Walk to Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street. Walk back downtown. Listen to the California Golden Bears win the Redbox Bowl over Illinois, 35-20.

Walk around the empty Biergarten

Walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Edgewater Lane. Walk over to the Bavarian Soccer Club. Walk around the empty Biergarten. See kids playing soccer. It is warm and nice. Listen to the Packers come back win over the Detroit Lions. Walk east to Lake Drive. The sun sets. Walk back downtown at night.

Walking cures the blues

Slow morning. Lay around until noon. Go to the office in the afternoon to work on my personal development blueprint for 2020. Drive to REI in Brookfield. Buy some new gloves and a comfy hood for cold weather. At night walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street. Walk downtown to the Fiserv Forum. Walk around the area while the Bucks are playing inside. Break my post-Christmas depression during the walk. Walking cures the blues.

Make New Years resolutions

Walk north on Prospect Aevnue. Walk up North Avenue to the Milwaukee River. Walk along the river trail to Capitol Drive. Think about all the progress I will make in 2020. Make New Years resolutions. Lose one of my gloves along the way. Get home tired. Crash on the couch.