Dump Trump rally

Go to the courthouse in the morning. Handle a couple of cases. Drive to Racine in the afternoon. Go to the courthouse there. Jury trial is adjourned. Drive back to Milwaukee. See police stationed all over the place. Trump is in town. At night walk to Red Arrow Park for the “Dump Trump” rally. March on to the Arena. Watch the pro-Trump people and the anti-Trump people line up on either side of 4th Street. They yell back and forth at each other. After a while get tired of it all and walk home.

Go shopping for a new suit

Drive to Racine in the morning. Go to the jail for a consultation. Go to the courthouse for a hearing. Drive to Southridge Mall. Walk around and look for a new suit. Nothing there. Drive to Mayfair Mall. Walk around and find two suits that both fit me well and look nice. Spend way too much money on them. It was a mandatory expense though. I have to look good when I am doing my job. Go home and organize my suit closet. Some suits in there are just too big now and they don’t fit me any more. Bag them up. Afterwards go to Orange Theory.

All iced over

In the afternoon walk along the lakefront out to Capitol Drive. The lakefront path is all iced over. There is ice clinging to the trees. The storm across Lake Michigan from the night before washed ashore and froze everything in ice. Walk back downtown. My feet get sore on the way home. At night go to Chino’s house on the southside to watch the Packers beat the Seattle Seahawks in the NFL playoffs 28-23.

Fall on the ice and snow (twice)

In the morning walk up to the office. Work on a bunch of stuff. Very productive. In the afternoon walk to the post office to send out letters. It is snowing. Walk along the Oak Leaf Trail out to Capitol Drive. Walk back down Oakland Avenue. Fall on the ice and snow at the intersection of Oakland Avenue and Newport Avenue. Walk down Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street. Walk down Van Buren Street. Fall on the ice and snow at the intersection of Van Buren Street and Kilbourn Avenue. Listen to the NFL playoff games. The entire walk was a windy one, with a strong driving snow.

Encounter a parking nightmare

Go to the courthouse in the morning for a preliminary hearing. Encounter a parking nightmare. The lower level of the parking garage is closed off. Everyone else is thrown into a panic. There are no spots open on the other levels. I think on my feet. I move a construction barrier that is blocking off a couple of spots on the middle level. I park in the spot which I have now made into an open one. I act like there’s nothing unusual going on. I calmly exit my vehicle and walk to the courthouse. I go in for my hearing. I then calmly walk back to the car. Get in and drive off still acting like everything is proper and as it should be. My creative yet unauthorized maneuver was successful. Work at the office all afternoon. At night go to Orange Theory.

Doesn’t feel like winter

In the morning go to the jail for a consultation. Drive out to Sam’s Club to buy bottled water. It is raining heavily. Stop at McDonald’s for lunch. In the afternoon park near Cathedral Square then walk to the office. It is now sunny. Doesn’t feel like winter. Pick up some paperwork. Go to the Safety Building for two status hearings. Walk up to the office. Work on a bunch of stuff. At night ride on the Nordictrack. Follow along with a route following the Pacific Coast Highway.

Taco Bar

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a couple of status hearings. Go to the office. Walk over to the Taco Bar for lunch. It is super cold outside. Walk back to the office. Work all afternoon. Client stops by with witnesses. Take statements. The baby they brought along with them gets fussy. Continue work until it gets dark outside. Back at home ride the Nordictrack bike. Follow the course in downtown SanFrancisco from Union Square then along the coast to the Golden Gate Bridge. The hills are incredibly steep. The incline adjusts on the bike automatically. Go to Orange Theory afterwards.

Handle a half dozen cases

Go to the courthouse. Handle a half dozen cases in all different courts. At the courthouse all day. Have lunch at the courthouse cafe. Pick up more cases over the phone while eating lunch. I am killing it and the new year is only getting started. Get home tired. Think about laying on the couch and zoning out. Change my mind. Go out for a walk. Walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk down Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street. Walk over to the Fiserv Forum. Listen to Marquette lose in overtime to the Providence Friars.

Back to the salt mines

Go to the Safety Building in the morning. Back to the salt mines. Jury trial is adjourned. In the afternoon go back to the courthouse for a status hearing. Go to the southside to get an emmissions test. They are too busy and I leave frustrated. Go to Orange Theory.