
Sleep in a little late. Go to the office in the afternoon for a short while. Lay around on the couch. Walk on the Oak Leaf Trail to the Prospect Avenue bridge. Walk down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street. Walk south on Cass Street back downtown. Listen to philosphy lectures discussing Stoicism.

It is lonely up there

Go to the Safety Building in the morning. Go in for a hearing. Walk over to the jail for a consultation. In the afternoon walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk west on North Avenue. Walk up the hill overlooking North Avenue. It is lonely up there. Walk back down the hill. Walk up to Martin Luther King Drive. Walk back downtown. At night go to Orange Theory.


Walk to the office for work. Have a telephone consultation with a client. Scan some files in the afternoon. It is snowy out. Walk up Propsect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk up to Downer Avenue. Walk back down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street. Walk back downtown.

Late night stroll

In the morning go to the jail for consultations. Go to the office in the afternoon. At night go to Orange Theory. Afterwards take a late night stroll up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street. Walk up Cass Street back downtown.

Sudden drowsy feeling

Go to the Safety Building in the morning for a hearing. Walk over to the courthouse for another hearing. Hit with a sudden drowsy feeling. Go home and take a short nap. Recharge. In the afternoon walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk down Farwell Avenue and then up Brady Street. Walk downtown. Sunny afternoon. At night go out again to push my total over 20,000 steps for the day.

Bright and sunny afternoon

In the morning go to the office. Get very little done. Bright and sunny afternoon. Walk up Prospect Avenue to Brady Street. Walk south on Cass Street back downtown. Go to Orange Theory. Watch “Ford v. Ferrari” (2019).

Heavy Winter Coat

In the morning walk to the art museum. It is too cold to continue without proper attire. Go home and get my heavy winter coat. In the afternoon walk along the Oak Leaf Trail to Silver Spring Drive. Stop at Kopp’s for a cheeseburger and ice cream cone. Listen to the NFL conference championship games. The Kansas City Chiefs beat the Tennessee Titans and the SanFransisco 49ers beat the Packers. Season is over.

Weigh in

Wake up to a fresh blanket of snow covering the city. In the morning go to Orange Theory for the weigh-in for the Transformation Challenge. In the afternoon walk along the Oak Leaf Trail to Capitol Drive. Listen to Marquette beat Georgetown 84-80.

Ice Bar

Go to the courthouse in the morning for a bail review hearing. Go to the jail for a consultation. Walk to the office. Very cold. Get some work done. Walk to the U.S. Bank Tower to make a deposit. Walk to Lorena’s house. Pick up some paperwork for a new case she got for me. Walk back downtown. Stop at the Wicked Hop to see the outdoor bar made entirely of ice. Slam my hands down on the top of the bar and demand a drink. No one is out there to hear me. At night go to Orange Theory. Run a mile on the treadmill in 9 minutes and 47 seconds.