
In the morning go to the office. Call into the court to reschedule my hearings. E-mail back and forth with other courts. Things are being pushed out into April and May. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk down Farwell Avenue then up Brady Street. All the restaurants and bars along they way are closed. Get a notice from Orange Theory that they are closing up too.

Empty shelves

In the morning go to the office. Work on a few things. In the afternoon drive to Racine. Go to court for a status hearing. Drive to Sam’s Club. Get more Diet Coke. Many shelves are empty and others half full. There has been alot of panic buying. Go home and watch a documentary on Linda Ronstadt. Go to Orange Theory. The class is half empty. My heart races into the red zone and stays there for most of the class.

The universe is saying hello again

Sleep in late. Very nice. In the late morning, walk along the lakefront to North Point. On the way down North Avenue see the lady walking on the other side of the street. Run across North Avenue. Give her money. The universe is saying hello again. Walk down Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street. Walk back downtown. In the afternoon, walk south through Bay View and down to Oklahoma Avenue.


Gray and cold day. In the morning, go to the Fish Factory to get a driftwood piece with some fern moss growing on it. Go back home and do a water change in the fish tank. Place the driftwood into the tank. The fish start picking at it immediately. They are going to strip the moss from the new driftwood I got for them, no doubt about it. In the afternoon, walk up the Oak Leaf trail to North Avenue. Around sunset walk south on First Street to Washington Avenue. A little bit down today.

Toilet paper aisle

In the morning drive to Valvoline to get a vehicle emmissions test. They tell me they don’t do that on Friday. Go somewhere else. Get the emissions test and pick up new registration sticker for my back plate. I have been driving around all year on expired plates. Drive out to Sam’s Club. Long lines and panicked buying everywhere. Load up on Diet Coke and water. Stop at Pick N’ Save. The toilet paper aisle is completely empty. I laugh out loud at the scene. Other people seem unnerved by my nihilistic sense of humor. A national emergency is declared. In the late afternoon walk along the Oak Leaf trial out to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a cheesebuger and strawberry malt. Life at Culver’s seems to be going on normally.

Coronavirus fear

In the morning drive to Racine. Go to court for a status hearing. Drive back to Milwaukee. Go to the courthouse for a bail hearing. Go to the jail for a consultation. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk back down Farwell Avenue and up Brady Street. On the way back stop at Pick N’ Save to get a few groceries. There are long lines. People looking a little panicked. The Coronavirus fear has come to Milwaukee.


Cloudy day. In the morning, go to the courthouse for a hearing. Go over to the Criminal Justice Facility for another hearing. Go to the jail for a couple of consultations. In the afternoon, go back to the courthouse for some more hearings. In the late afternoon, walk down to the lakefront and up to the Brady Street bridge. Walk up Brady Street and wander back downtown. Go to Orange Theory.

Get an idea

Much colder today. In the morning walk to the office. Work all day. Later walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Get an idea for a novel. Interesting. Walk down Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street. Stop at Emperor of China and order pork fried rice for takeout. Stick in my backpack and walk home. Enjoy my supper. Relax and watch television.

Ordinary day

Rainy all day. In the morning go to the office. Work on files. Clean the desk. Go home and do a water change on the fish tank. Do some laundry. At night go to Orange Theory. Ordinary day.

Sunday morning in Madison

In the morning walk to Camp Randall. Stop to get doughnuts. Walk back to the hotel. Pack up and leave. Drive to Milwaukee. Even more warm and sunny today. Walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Capitol Drive. Feet get sore on the walk back home.