Black Cat Alley

In the morning go to the office. Get some things done but not as much as I would have liked. In the afternoon walk along the Oak Leaf Trail up to Prospect Avenue. Walk up through Black Cat Alley. Walk west on North Avenue. Follow the riverwalk back downtown. Go home and lay on the couch. Feet are sore.

Time flies

In the morning walk up the Oak Leaf Trial to Prospect Avenue. Walk along the lakefront back home. Go home and work more on the book. Time flies more quickly than I realize. So focused on the book. In the afternoon walk up the Oak Leaf Trial to Capitol Drive. Walk east to Lake Drive. Walk through Lake Park. Beautiful weather. Walk along the lakefront back home. Go over 40,00 steps.

I cast a long shadow

In the morning walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to North Avenue. Walk east down to the lakefront. Walk along the lakefront to the Third Ward. Go home and spend all day doing a Spring Cleaning. Clean and scrub the kitchen counters. Clean and scrub the bathroom. Vacuum the carpets. Do a water change on the fish tank. Do the laundry. While doing all of that, write a whole bunch more on the book. At sunset walk west on St. Paul Avenue then over to Canal Street. Walk back towards downtown. Admire the beautiful sunset. Everything is bathed in golden sunlight. I cast a long shadow. Great fucking day.

My mind is clear

Sleep in late. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Talk to my dad on the phone the whole way. At night walk along the Oak Leaf Trail to Prospect Avenue. Walk down to the lakefront. Walk south along the lake back downtown. In a great mood. My mind is clear. Come up with lots more good ideas for the book I am writing.

Take a rest day

In the morning walk to the office. Work on several files. Spend all day at the office. Later walk to the post office to mail out several letters. Lay on the couch and watch television. Take a rest day.

Corona strikes again

In the morning go to the Criminal Justice Facility for a pre-trial hearing. The cleint’s Speedy Trial demand is waived by the court and the trial date is pushed way out into August. Make a bail argument. Denied. Client held without trial longer than the law allows. Corona strikes again. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront. It is sunny today. Cut the walk short. My quads are sore again.

Health Alert: Playground Closed

In the mornign walk to the office. Write another batch of letters out to clients. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk down Farwell Avenue and up Brady Street. Walk over to the Swing Park. There are signs on the swings that say “Health Alert: Playground Closed”.

Cheetos under a tree

Didn’t sleep well at all last night. Wake up still tired. Walk to the office. Talk on the phone with a client for over an hour. Walk back home. Make lunch. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Along the way drop some Cheetos under a tree and watch the geese eat them all up. Walk back down Farwell Avenue and up Brady Street. Go home and work some more on my book. Walk back to the office at night to write a letter to a client. Walk to the post office to deliver the letter. Go home and relax on the couch. Drift off to sleep in a very good mood.

Eats a cheeto right out of my hand

Wake up early. It is stil dark outside. I am depressed about this. Thankfully I fall back asleep. Don’t wake up until it is light outside. Now I can start the day. In the morning try going for a walk. My quads are still in alot of pain. It is starting to rain. Only walk a little ways and then turn around and go back home. Out walking barely ten minutes. Go home and lay around. Work on my book. The decide to do some streching exercises. That does the trick. My quad pain is reduced. Go for a walk. Walk down to the lakefront. Come across a group of geese. Throw out bread pieces to them. The seagulls swoop in for a taste. Feed them cheetos too. One goose comes right up to me. Eats a cheeto right out of my hand. His beak nips on my fingers a bit. Walk up to the Brady Street bridge. Walk back downtown by way of the Oak Leaf trail. At night watch more Youtube videos about World War I and the Napoleonic wars.

Cut the walk short

Foggy and drizzly day. Try to go for a walk. My quads are too sore. I cut the walk short. Frustrated. Work on my book some more. I have a rough outline of the story. It is going to be quite a project. It will flow out of me. Plan is to get it done by the end of the year. In the afternoon take a short nap while listening to guided meditation. At night watch Youtube videos about Napoleon and Russian history.