Set out on another walk

In the morning walk along the lakefront to Bradford Beach. Walk south back downtown. In the afternoon set out on another walk. Walk north along the Oak Leaf Trial way out to Hampton Avenue. Stop at DQ for an oreo sundae. Walk east to Lake Drive. Walk along the lakefront all the way back downtown. It was nice and sunny and warm all day.

Knock everything out

In the morning walk to the office. Work all day on the list of tasks I put together yesterday afternoon. Knock everything out. Walk to the post office to mail out a big stack of letters. Go home and watch some television.

They already knowing

In the morning walk to the office. Review transcripts on another appeal case. Poke around the internet for case precendent. Find what I need very quickly. Walk home for lunch. Walk back to the office in the afternoon and write up a list of things to do. Walk along the lakefront to Bradford Beach. Feed the geese and the gulls again. They saw me coming and started walking towards me. They already knowing that I am there with food and treats for them. What a fun group they are. Walk back downtown as the sun sets in the sky.


In the morning walk to the office and work on appeal brief. Walk home for lunch. Walk back to the office in the afternoon to finish work on appeal brief. Walk to the post office to mail out the briefs to the Court of Appeals. At night walk along the lakefront to the Brady Street bridge. Throw out treats for the geese and the gulls. They are starting to recognize me and know that I have food for them. Some walk right up to me. They look right at me. They are all my friends. Walk to the grocery store. See my next door neighbors at the store. They drive back home. I walk. We get back at the same time and all go up in the elevator together. Good night.

Throw cheetos in the air

In the morning walk to the office. Work on appellate brief. Walk back home to grab lunch. In the afternoon walk back to the office to work some more on the appellate brief. Walk to the post office to mail out a letter. In the early evening walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Throw cheetos in the air. The seagulls swoop in and catch them in their mouths. I yell out in amazement at their skill. Overall I was happy with this day.


In the morning walk to the office. Work all morning. Accomplish quite a bit. Walk home for lunch. Walk back to the office in the afternoon. Work a little more. Walk west on Wisconsin Avenue. It is empty. Unreal. Walk to the post office to send out some letters. At sunset walk to the lakefront. Scatter out some Fritos to a bunch of geese. The seagulls swoop in to get their share too. Being in the center of a maelstrom of wild birds circling me is exhilirating. Walk back home.

Take a selfie

In the morning go to the Criminal Justice Facility for a bail hearing. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to the Brady Street Bridge. Walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Capitol Drive. Take a selfie. I look good. Put it on Facebook. Stop at Culver’s and beg them to serve me even though I walked up instead of using the drive through. They do! Get a cheeseburger and fries. Walk south through Lake Park and back downtown. Feel great.

The lake under the rising sun

In the morning walk down to the lakefront and up to the Brady Street Bridge. It is a nice sunny morning. Take a picture of the lake under rising sun. In the afternoon walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Capitol Drive. Walk south to Lake Park and back downtown. Very nice time.

Done by Friday

In the morning walk to the office. Write out a list of tasks for next week. I will check each one off the list. Done by Friday. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Prospect Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. Think about how to connect the parts of the book together. Begin to solve the puzzle. Will get the book on track with a plan for completion. Done by Friday. At night walk west on St. Paul Avenue. Feed some wayward and isolated geese as I walk into the setting sun. Begin to feel warm and out of breath. Covid symptons. Walk home. Take a cold shower and lay on the couch. I feel very calm and relaxed. No Covid. Text with Latia too by the way.


Sleep late this morning. Walk to the office. Send and receive a handful of e-mails. Without leaving my office, participate in a court hearing over Zoom. At sunset walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Feed some bird seed to several geese along the way. Tired all day. Tomorrow will be better.