Dolphins beat the Bears

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a few hours. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Feed the geese some crack corn and bird seed. At sunset walk back to the lakefront. Feed the geese more cracked corn and bird seed. Listen to the Monday Night Football re-broadcast from 1985 of the Miami Dolphins beating the Chicago Bears ruining their attempt at an undefeated record that season.

For a fourth time

In the morning walk down to the lakefront. Put cracked corn and bird seed under the trees. The geese wander over to eat. In the early afternoon walk down to the lakefront. Put cracked corn and bird seed under the trees. The geese wander over to eat. In the later afternoon walk down to the lakefront. Put cracked corn and bird seed under the trees. The geese wander over to eat. In the early evening walk down to the lakefront for a fourth time. Put cracked corn and bird seed under the trees. The geese wander over to eat. In the later afternoon walk down to the lakefront. Do a water change on the fish tank at night.


In the morning walk down to the lakefront. Put cracked corn and bird seed under the trees. The geese wander over to eat. In the afternoon walk down to the lakefront. Put cracked corn and bird seed under the trees. The geese wander over to eat. In the early evening walk down to the lakefront. Put cracked corn and bird seed under the trees. The geese wander over to eat. A couple of ducks are there too.

A very sudden turn

In the morning walk along the lakefront. Listen to Musica Antiqua on WORT-FM from Madison. Very warm and sunny. In the afternoon head out for an epic long walk. Shorts and a T-shirt. Absolutely summer like. Walk up the Oak Leaf Trail out to Silver Spring Drive. Stop at Kopp’s. Get a cheeseburger and a strawberry malt. Walk down Lake Drive. When I get to UW-Milwaukee the weather takes a very sudden turn. It gets cold very fast. I tough out the rest of the walk all shivering.

Golden sunset covers the city

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn under the trees. The geese wander over to eat. Walk to the office. Work for a little while. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Put more cracked corn under the trees. The geese wander over to eat. Walk to the office. Work for a little while. At sunset walk to the lakefront. Put more cracked corn under the trees. The geese and some squirrels wander over to eat. Walk around downtown. The golden sunset covers the city. Very nice weather this evening.


In the morning walk along the lakefront. See ducklings following their mother to the lagoon. Feed some geese along the way too. In the afternoon walk back to the lakefront. Feed more geese and gulls and a squirrel too. Not much of a day.

Entertaining and very weird

Wake up tired. Eat breakfast. Go back to sleep for a couple more hours. In the afternoon walk to the office. The sun breaks out. Go for a walk along the lakefront. Feed a buch of geese and two ducks. Drop food by a tree. A squirrel comes down to stuff his cheeks. Walk up to North Avenue. Stop at Ian’s for a slice of pizza. Eat the slice on a bench at the corner of North Avenue and Farwell Avenue. At night finish watching the rest of the HBO “Watchmen” series. Entertaining and very weird.

It continues to rain

In the morning walk to the office. It is raining. Work all day. It keeps raining. Walk home in the rain. At night watch television. It continues to rain.

I get very wet

In the morning walk to the office. Work all day. In the later afternoon walk along the lakefront to the Brady Street bridge. Not much activity out here. Run into a couple of ducks. A male and his lady friend. Feed them a bunch of treats. A couple of geese come by. Feed them too. It starts raining. I walk home. The rain gets heavy. I get very wet.

They prefer junk food

Sleep in really late this morning. Sleep past 10:30 A.M. Shocking. I haven’t slept in this late in many years. In the afternoon walk to the office and work on my taxes. It is rainy and gray all day. In the evening go for a walk along the lakefront. Throw out Cheetos to the geese and the gulls. They all prefer junk food. Walk up to North Avenue. Follow the river back downtown.