A buffet for a squirrel

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Throw down some cracked corn for the geese around the Bodhi tree. I redirect them to share with each other. In the afternoon walk south through Bay View. Walk to Oklahoma Avenue. Walk through Humboldt Park. Walk north back to downtown. Walk down to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn. It is late. See a squirrel run to the Bodhi tree. He is about to enjoy a huge buffet. There are no geese around. They all went to bed for the night. Walk up to the Brady Street Bridge. Walk back downtown.


In the morning walk to the office. Work on appeal brief. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn around the Bodhi tree. The geese come running. Do a major water change on the fish tank. In the later afternoon walk to the lakefront again. There is a lady resting on the trunk of the Bodhi tree reading a book. I go quietly up to the tree and surreptitiously place piles of cracked corn all around. The geese come running. The squirrels go crazy. I stand back and watch the lady in the tree now unaware that she is surrounded by dozens of overly excited wild geese. After a while the lady comes down out of the tree. She turns to hug the Bodhi tree. The geese go on eating and honking like crazy. Nice moment. Continur to walk up the lakefront to Northpoint. Wander back downtown as the sun sets. Beautiful sunny warm day.

Wandering around in the gravel

In the morning walk to the office. Work all day on an appeal brief. In the late afternoon walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn under the Bodhi tree. One goose yells out. Many others come running. The way they waddle over is hilarious. I redirect the geese so that they share. They are getting better at following my instructions. On the walk back home I see a couple of geese near the freeway overpass wandering around in the gravel and drinking water out of a puddle. I throw some cheetos thier way. They gobble them up while they squak away very loudly.

Trees are starting to bloom

In the morning walk to the office. Participate in a Zoom court hearing. The Zoom kicks everyone out so we turn it into a telephone conference instead. Spend the rest of the day working on a new appeal brief. In the late afternoon walk down to the lakefront. Notice the trees are starting to bloom. Spring is finally crawling over to Milwaukee. Walk down to the Bodhi tree. Put cracked corn all around the tree. One goose begins to holler until all the other ones look over and see what is going on. They all waddle over at a quickened pace to get in on the food. The tree goes from a couple of geese to a couple dozen in five minutes. There are two squirrels running up and down the tree trunks trying to get in on the action as well. On the way home, listen to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talk on Facebook about the hardships her district is facing from the Covid-19 pandemic. Everything she says it right on and she looks good saying it too.

When I cross UW-Milwaukee

In the morning go to the office and work on a few things. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn down near the Bodhi tree. The geese waddle over to partake. Walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Capitol Drive. Walk east to Downer Avenue. Walk south back downtown. My feet and knees get sore when I cross UW-Milwaukee. A tough walk the rest of the way. At night finish watching the fifth season of “Better Call Saul”.

You Share!

In the morning walk down to the lakefront. Put cracked corn around the Bodhi tree. The geese gather to eat. One tries to chase the others off. I redirect him. I yell at him: “You Share!” It works. More and more geese wander over. Eventually there is at least two dozen geese eating around the Bodhi tree. In the afternoon go for a walk up the Oak Leaf Trail. Walk out to Capitol Drive. Walk east to Lake Drive. Walk south along the lakefront and then out on Lakeshore State Park. Walk around the Third Ward at sunset. At night do a water change on the fish tank.

Under the Bodhi tree

In the morning try to walk to the lakefront. It is windy and rainy. The rain is coming at me horizontally and its hitting my face. Turn around and walk back home. Along the way see one lonely goose under the freeway, Drop a pile of cracked corn for him to eat up. In the afternoon the rain stops. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Put piles of cracked corn under the Bodhi tree. The geese gather round to enjoy their nice dinner. At night binge watch episodes of “Better Call Saul”.


In the morning walk down to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn and birdseed for the geese. They respond to me like they are my pets. This is cool. In the early afternoon walk down to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn and birdseed for the geese. In the early afternoon walk down to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn and birdseed for the geese. Find the sunglasses I must have dropped this morning but I wasn’t aware that I had lost them.

Bring out the winter coat

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn and bird seed for the geese. Leave some for a squirrel on a tree trunk too. Walk to the office. Work on appeal brief. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn and bird seed for the geese. Leave some for a squirrel on the tree trunk too. Walk back to the office. Finish work on appeal brief. Walk to the post office to send it out. In the early evening walk to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn and bird seed for the geese. Leave some for a squirrel on the tree trunk too. It was so cold and windy today. There were snow fluries. Bring out the winter coat. I hate the weather in Wisconsin.

A squirrel comes down

In the morning walk to the office. Stay there all day working on an appeal brief. Later walk down to the lakefront. Put out more cracked corn and bread crumbs for the geese. Put a mixture of cracked corn and bird seed on the horizontal part of a tree trunk. A squirrel comes down to eat it all up.