Power nap

In the morning drive to the jail for a consultation. Drive out to the House of Correction for another consultation. Drive back home. Call a prison for another consultation. Take a quick power nap. Walk to the office. Work on catching up on things. Talk on the phone with more clients. In the afternoon walk along the river walk out to Gordon Park. Walk east on Locust Street. Walk north on Oakland to Kenwood. Walk past UW-Milwaukee. Walk along the lakefront all the way back home. My lower back and my feet are very sore. Find some geese on Lakeshore State Park. Put out cracked corn for them.

Back and forth and here and there

In the morning walk to the office. Work a little while. Walk home for lunch. Walk back to the office to get files ready for tomorrow. Later in the afternoon walk along the river walk out to Gordon Park. My left knee is sore. I am walking with a slight limp. Walk east on Locust Street. Walk to Cousin’s. Eat my sub and chips on a picnic bench in Riverside Park. There are kids on the swings. They are creaking loudly as the kids swing back and forth. Walk south on Oakland to Brady Street. See scattered marchers here and there but do not come across the main march group. Walk down to the lakefront. Find a few geese and some ducks. Throw out cracked corn for them. Walk to Pick N’ Save. Buy a few Cliff bars. Walk home while eating one of them.

It was beautiful

In the morning walk to the office. Do several court hearings over Zoom. Walk home for lunch. Walk back to the office. Do another court hearing over Zoom. Walk along the river walk out to North Avenue. Keep following the river until I get to Gordon Park. Come across a large group gathering for a Black Lives Matter march. Follow the march down Locust Street then up North Avenue. Then down Holton Street back downtown. We walk down Wisconsin Avenue to the lakefront. With the sun setting I walk off from the march to find the geese I can hear in the distance. Put out cracked corn for them. Walk home while listening to the marchers who are now winding there way back downtown, calling out “No justice, No peace!”. Post some of the pictures I took on Facebook. Here is what I wrote for my status:

I ran across the march today. We walked all over the city. The whole vibe was full of love for each other, compassion for those who have suffered, and the belief in freedom and justice for all. It was beautiful.

Hands up! Don’t shoot!

In the morning walk to the office. It is going to be a hot and sunny day. Work at the office. Walk to the grocery store. Pick up a few things. Walk home for lunch. In the afternoon drive to the courthouse. Go to court with a client and sit in the courtroom and argue the case in front of the judge. Just like it used to be before the corona plague. I do a fantastic job in court. In the late afternoon, walk to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn for the geese and they go crazy. Walk up the Oak Leaf trail to North Avenue. Walk back home by way of the river walk. See Black Lives Matter protestors from my deck as they marching onto the freeway. The cops come racing down there to head them off. The protestors chant “Hands up! Don’t shoot!”. The police turn them back. They are all dressed up in full riot gear. What a fucking year thisvhas been, and its not even half over!

Focused and present all day

In the morning go to the jail for a consultation. Walk to the office later on to do a couple of hearings over Zoom. Stay in the office all afternoon to work on several files and some accounting. Walk to the post office to send out letters and a package. At night relax on the couch and watch “Iron Man 3” (2013). Focused and present all day.

Ready for tomorrow

In the morning walk down to the lakefront. Look all over for the geese. Find them in a whole different area of the park. Put out cracked corn. In the afternoon walk along the riverwalk all the way to North Avenue. Walk down North Avenue. Get a slice of pizza at Ian’s. Walk down to the lakefront. Talk with my dad on the phone all the way back home. At sunset walk to the office to get files ready for tomorrow. Walk to the grocery store to get milk and cereal for tomorrow.

Joe Biden yard sign

In the morning walk to the office. Work on my list for next week. Walk to the lakefront. See Black Lives Matter protestors all over the place. Walk over to the Oak Leaf Trail. Walk north to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for dinner. Eat on the picnic table while the cars lined up for the drive-thru stretch out into the street. Walk east to Lake Drive. See a Joe Biden yard sign. Walk south along the lakefront. Beautiful sunshine today.

Theodore Roosevelt

In the morning go to the office. Do some court hearings over Zoom. In the afternoon walk along the river walk out to North Avenue. Walk over to the Oak Leaf trail. Walk out to Silver Spring Drive. Listen to several Youtube videos I put in a playlist discussing Thedore Roosevelt. Walk to Lake Drive. Feet are very sore. Walk to Capitol Drive. Walk down to the lakefront. Walk home as the sun is setting.

Until the anger passes

Wake up tired. Go back to bed. Wake up still tired. Walk to the office. Make phone calls. Walk home. Still tired. It starts raining. I get mad. Lay on the couch and watch television until the anger passes.


Go to the office for a Zoom hearing. Drive to the Criminal Justice Facility for a live hearing. In the afternoon go to the office for another Zoom hearing. Try to set out on another monster walk. My foot has blisters all up the side. It hurts to walk. Take a quick walk around the lagoon at Veterans Park. Feed some geese. Walk back home. Go to bed early.