Eat tacos at the fountain

In the morning drive to the Criminal Justice Facility for a preliminary hearing. Drive home for lunch. Walk up to the office. No electricity. Work on cleaning up from the mess. Do a phone consultation with a client in prison. Walk down to the lakefront. Run across a mother duck and her babies. Throw bread to them. They fight amongst each other to get at the bread. There is more than enough for everyone. They really entertain me. Walk up to Northpoint. Stop at Jaliscos. Get three tacos. Sit down in a park. Eat tacos at the fountain. Walk back down to the lakefront. Stop at Moosas. Get a hot fudge sundae. Walk home as the sun sets.

Bread is their favorite

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn and bird seed all around the Bodhi tree. Walk up to Bradford Beach. Walk back home. Do a water change on the fish tank. In the afternoon walk along the river trail out to UW- Milwaukee. Walk down to the lakefront. Walk south all the way across Lakeshore State Park. Throw out bread to the geese. They walk right up to me. Bread is their favorite. They absolutely freak out when I have bread. Walk home as the sun sets.

La Fuente

In the morning walk to the lakefront. It is very cold. Put out cracked corn for three ducks. They come up out of the lagoon to eat. Stand off at a distance to watch them. In the afternoon drive to La Fuente to pick up tacos. Drive to Latia’s mother’s house with the tacos. There are many people there. Hang out with Latia and her family. Latia and I drive around for a little while. We talk about very personal things. Drive home as the sun is setting. Feel very good.

A real fucking mess

In the morning go to the courthouse. Do a hearing on my cell phone over Zoom then walk into a courtroom and do a hearing live and in person before a judge. In the afternoon take a short walk along the lakefront. Later in the afternoon walk up to the office. The carpet is all torn up. Stuff is scattered everywhere. A real fucking mess. Do my best to organize my files and prepare my cases for next week. Leave smelling like smoke.

Climbing out of the water

174.2 pounds. Don’t sleep well at night. In the morning walk to the office. There are workers everywhere cleaning up the mess. My office still has no electricity. Pick up the files I need for the day. Drive out to the House of Correction. Go in for a couple of consultations. Drive to the downtown jail for another couple of consultations. Walk to the Juneau Avenue post office to pick up my office mail that is being forwarded there. Head out in the late afternoon for a walk along the riverwalk. See extremely dark clouds. Turn around. Get back home just in time before a heavy rain starts falling. It passes quickly. Sun comes back out. Walk down to the lakefront. See the geese sitting in the lake. Put cracked corn out for them on the grass. One by one they start climbing out of the water to get at the food. Send more flirty texts to Latia.

She looks good

174.6 pounds. In the morning do a court hearing using my cell phone on the Zoom app. Drive out to Latia’s house. Give her daughter a pink unicorn. Hang out and talk with her. She looks good. Drive her to work. Drop her off in an alley behind the business. Hug and kiss her tightly. Drive to Sam’s Club. Drive to Office Depot. Run into several lawyers. Drive back home. Set up the printer I just bought. Walk up to the office. Go in to pick up some stuff. The smell of smoke is much less. Alot of workers there cleaning up the mess from the fire. Drive to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. They go just fine. Drive to a gas station on the south side. Fill up the tank and put air in the tires. Drive home. Eat dinner. Ride on the Nordic Trak. Do a trainer video. I sweat like crazy. It is difficult. Send flirty texts to Latia.

Get in on the fun

In the morning use my cell phone to do a court hearing over Zoom. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn. Geese and ducks and a couple of birds all get in on the fun. Go home tired. Lay on the couch and watch Marvel superhero movies.

Eat my dinner in Kern Park

In the morning go to the office to grab my calendar. There was a fire in the building over the weekend. Everything smells like smoke. Nothing damaged in the office though. Drive to the Criminal Justice Facility. Do a bunch of court hearings using Zoom on my phone. Do a preliminary hearing live and in person. In the afternoon walk along the river trail out to Capitol Drive. Stop at Cousin’s to pick up a sub. Eat my dinner in Kern Park. Walk south to Locust Street. Walk east to the lakefront. Walk home slowly. My lower back hurts. The heels on my feet hurt. Feel good about my fitness overall though.

High in the sky

In the afternoon walk along the river trails out to UW-Milwaukee. Walk over to the lakefront. Walk back downtown. Walk out into Veterans Park. See many people flying kites very high in the sky. Turn back and take a picture of the city with the bright sun shining overhead.

New to me

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Walk to the Brady Street bridge. Walk up Brady Street. Walk back home. Do a water change on the fish tank. Go get a haircut. In the afternoon walk along the riverwalk and on to the Estabrook trail. This trail is new to me. I like it very much. Walk out to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a cheeseburger. Walk east to Lake Drive. Walk along the lakefront back downtown. Find some geese on the edge of Lakeshore State Park and put out piles of cracked corn for them.