What a day at work!

In the morning walk to the office. Work the rest of the day on a Motion to Withdraw a Guilty Plea, a brief in Response to an Other Acts motion and a Motion to Suppress a Statement due to violation of the right to remain silent and the right to counsel. Write letters, e-mails and make phone calls too. What a day at work! I have really been kicking ass at the office lately. After work walk to the Fiserv Forum. Walk along the river out to Gordon Park. Walk east to Lake Park. Walk down to the lakefront. Stop at the ice cream stand. Get a caramel sundae. Enjoy it. Walk south to the lagoon. Put out seeds for the ducks. Some red wing blackbirds swoop in to get a taste. Walk home as it gets dark outside.

Where are the ducks?

In the morning walk to the post office to pick up the mail. Walk to the office. Work for a little while. Walk home for lunch. Walk back to the post office to send out mail. Walk to the office. Work for the rest of the afternoon. The smoke smell is mostly gone now. Walk home. Eat dinner. Walk along the river walk out to Gordon Park. Walk east on Locust Street. See several protestors on the sidewalk holding signs. Cars are honking as they drive by. Walk to Lake Park. Walk down to the lakefront. Stop and get a hot fudge sundae. Walk down to the lagoon. Put out food for the ducks. Some birds show up to eat. Where are the ducks? Walk home as the sun sets.

On and off

In the morning go to the courthouse. Try to do a sentencing hearing. There are issues geting sound for the remote link to the prosecutor. Case adjourned. Go home and do a couple of court hearings while sitting on my couch using my cell phone. Walk down to the lakefront. Put out food for the ducks. In the late afternoon make a phone call to a client away in prison. On and off rain and sun all day.

Struggle to keep going

Tired all day. In the morning go to the Safety Building. Sit on a bench outside the courtroom with my client and appear in court together using my cell phone on the Zoom app. Go home and take a nap. Walk to the lakefront. Struggle to keep going. Walk to the office. Get files out to be ready for tomorrow’s hearings. Walk home. Still tired.

Walk to Bradford Beach

In the morning walk along the lakefront to Bradford Beach. Leave bird seed out for the ducks. Walk to Bradford Beach. In the afternoon walk again to the lakefront. Walk around the lagoon a couple of times. Leave bird seed out for the ducks. Drive out to Heather’s house for a cookout. Relax in the shade.

What a day of activity

In the morning drive to Target. Get a pair of jeans. Drive to Home Depot. Get equipment to fix my toilet, It hasn’t been flushing right lately. Go to Pick N’Save to get groceries. Drive home. Walk down to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn and pieces from a dougnut for the ducks. Walk back home. Do a water change on the fish tank. Catch five fishes born in the tank last year. The tank is getting overcrowded. Take the five fishes to Best Fish. They promise to find them a good home. I feel bad. I know it is for the best with the fish I already have. The fish in the tank are out of sorts. Its alot of disruption to catch fish out of the tank. I hope they get over it quickly. Work on the toilet. Put in a new flapper. Struggle to remove the old filter valve. I need a pliers. Text Lorena Cardenas. She has one. Walk down to the lakefront a second time. Put out cracked corn and more pieces from a dougnut for the ducks. Walk over to Lorena Cardenas’ house. Get a pliers. Sit in her courtyard and talk for hours. We even talk about Kristine. It starts to rain real heavy. A friend of hers gives me a ride home. As I get back the rain stops. Walk to Stacked Burger Bar and pick up a plate of eggplant fries. Walk home and eat them. Delicious. Clean up around the house. Go to bed. What a day of activity. Exhilirating!

Picnic table at the Courthouse

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn out for the ducks. They are all over it. Walk to the office. Pick up a file. Walk to the Criminal Justice Facility. Go in for a consultation. Walk to the front of the courthouse. Eat my lunch on a picnic table. Walk back to the office. Work all afternoon on several cases. Walk home for dinner. Walk along the riverwalk out to Gordon park. Walk east on Locust Street. Walk to Lake Park. Walk down to the lakefront. Put more cracked corn out for the ducks. They fly over to the spot and enjoy their dinner.

Feeling alright today

In the morning do a court hearing from my couch using my cell phone and the Zoom app. Walk down to the lakefront. Do a short walk around the lagoon. Put out cracked corn for the ducks. On the way back around I see that there are a dozen ducks all over the corn. Walk to the office. Work all afternoon. Very productive. Walk along the river walk out to Gordon Park. Walk east on Locust to Lake Park. Walk down to the lakefront. Love the weather and all the girls and all the fun down here. Feeling alright today.

Beautiful weather brings out the people

In the morning go for a little walk down to the lakefront and around the lagoon. Put out cracked corn around the Bodhi tree. Put some more piles down by the little landing where all the ducks like to hang out. Walk back home. In the afternoon walk to the office. Work on a bunch of files. Process more billings. Work diligently. Later walk up the Oak Leaf trail out to Locust Street. Walk east and down to the lakefront. Very crowded out here tonight. Beautiful weather brings out the people.

Watch the sunset over the city skyline

In the morning do a court hearing while sitting on my couch and holding a cell phone in my hand. Drive to Best Buy to buy a new document scanner. In the afternoon walk to the office. Electricity is back on. Everything is still a mess and smells like smoke. Work all afternoon processing bills for payment. In the late afternoon walk along the river trail out to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a double cheeseburger. Eat it outside on the patio. Walk down to the lakefront. Find a duck under a tree. Put out a pile of corn. The duck waddles over and eats. Put more corn around the Bodhi tree. Three ducks fly in and find the corn. They eat too. Watch the sun set over the city skyline. Beautiful.