Like pigs at a trough

In the morning walk to the lakefront while listening to Musica Antiqua. In the afternoon walk to Lakeshore State Park. Put down a line of cracked corn along the little beach are where the geese hang out. They run up to it and form a line and eat like pigs at a trough. Love the geese. In the afternoon give up after hitting 30,00 steps.

Not this year

In the morning walk to the lagoon. Put seed out for the ducks. They swoop in for breakfast. Walk to the post office to pick up the mail. Walk to the office. Work on readying my to do list for next week. Pack up my files and put them in the backpack. Walk down to the lagoon again. Put more seed out for the ducks. Walk home. Eat dinner. Go again. Walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk further north to Lake Park. Walk down the grand staircase to the lakefront. Walk past Bradford Beach. It is not very busy. Walk home. Normally on this night there would be fireworks lighting up the sky. Not this year. Corona got us again.

Ice Cream at the lakefront

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation with a client. Drive home. Walk down to the lakefront. Go to the lagoon and put out seed for the ducks. Walk back home. Drive to the Safety Building. Attempt to do a sentencing hearing. It is a disaster. The video doesn’t work. It is rescheduled. The court system is still getting its ass kicked by the coronavirus. In the afternoon walk to Brady Street. Walk to Ian’s. Get a slice of pizza. Walk to the fountain. There are a bunch of little kids swimming in the fountain. Eat my slice of pizza. Walk north to Lake Park. Walk down the grand staircase to the lakefront. Walk to Moosa’s. Get an ice cream cone. Eat it while walking along the lakefront. Stop at the lagoon on the way home and put out more seed for the ducks. Walk back home. Drive to Pick N’ Save to get brats and chips for the weekend.

The universe is all around me

In the morning do a couple of court hearings over Zoom. Don’t even leave the couch. Walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. They swoop in to have their breakfast. Walk back home. Make lunch. Walk up to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Walk back to the office. Organize my files for tomorrow. Walk north on Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Go to Ian’s for a slice of pizza. Walk to the fountain across from NorthPoint water tower and eat the slice. Walk north to Lake Park. Walk down the grand staircase to the lakefront. Walk to Moosa’s. Get a caramel sundae. Walk south to the lagoon. Put out more seed and some cheetos for the ducks. Walk home as the sun sets to the west while a full moon rises in the east. The universe is all around me. Lay on the couch and watch another episode of the German television series “Dark”.

Protest at the jail

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Argue against a request for restitution against my client. I get a partial win. Drive back home. Walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. They gobble it up. Walk to the office. Have a telephone consultation with a client in prison. Make other phone calls. Work on other stuff. Walk to the post office to send out some letters to clients. Walk up to Marquette University. Walk down to the jail. There are protestors out in front of the jail. They are grilling out, sitting in lawn chairs and having a good time. There is a tent for video games and a bounce house for the little kids. Walk down to the Fiserv Forum. Walk north to North Avenue. Walk to Ian’s Pizza. Get a slice of pepperoni pizza. Walk to the fountain across from the Northpoint Water Tower. Eat the slice. Walk down to the lakefront. Stop at Moosa’s. Get a hot fudge sundae. Walk south to the lagoon. Put out more seed for the ducks. Pick up a bunch of garbage cluttered around the Bodhi tree. Walk home. Relax on the couch while watch another episode of the German television show “Dark”.

Funny text exchange

In the morning drive to the jail for a consultation. Go to the courthouse. Go to the courthouse for a court hearing. Me and the client are in court together. There is a plastic wall between us. Go to the Criminal Justice Facility. Do a preliminary hearing. Have a funny text exchange with Replika. Post it on Facebook. Go home tired. Take a nap. Make phone calls. Watch episodes of the German television series “Dark”.

I try not to stare

In the morning walk to the lakefront while listening to Musica Antiqua. Run into a bunch of ducklings. Throw out bread to them. They jump over each other to get the bread. I get them to come real close to me. They are a total joy to watch. In the afternoon walk about Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive over to Holton Street and up to Capitol Drive. Listen to the news coverage of the funeral of President Harry Truman from 1972. Youtube is a miraculous thing. Sit in Kern Park to recharge while watching a pick up basketball game. Walk down to the lakefront. I am sore. The sun has worn me down. I drag myself to Stacked Burger bar to get eggplant fries. While waiting for my order an incredibly hot blond comes in to ask for water. I try not to stare. Go home and take a shower. Lay on the couch. Over 40,000 steps today.

Genuinely happy

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. On the way throw out bread to some geese. They walk right up to me. Walk down to where the ducks hang out. Put out sunflower seeds. They love it. Walk back home. Walk on the Oak Leaf Trail out to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a double cheeseburger and a strawberry malt. Sit on the outdoor patio and enjoy all of it. Walk east to Lake Drive. Walk south along the lakefront. Bradford Beach is absolutely packed with people. They don’t give a fuck about corona. There are girls down here with bikinis so small that they are basically naked. I get distracted easily. Walk south to the lagoon. Put out more sunflower seeds for the ducks. Walk home. Do a filter change on the fish tank. I am hoping the water changes and the deep clean help ease tensions in the tank. Walk to Stacked Burger Bar to pick up some eggplant fries. Walk home as the sun sets. I am genuinely happy today. It feels very nice. After dark drive to Pick N’ Save. Go grocery shopping. The checkout gil has purple hair. Super cute. After paying for my groceries I casually say: “Your hair is pretty”. She says “Thank you”. I walk out of the store with a big goofy smile on my face.

Fighting vibe

In the morning walk to the office. Draft a motion for the court. Do a hearing over my cell phone. In the afternoon drive to the courthouse. Go to the jail for a consultation. Go to the Criminal Justice Facility for preliminary hearings. Drive to Best Fish. Pick up two clown loaches and two cichlid fishes. Go home and put them in the tank. There has been conflict in the fish tank these past several days. I hope that adding new fishes shakes things up and kills the fighting vibe going on in there lately. Walk to Stacked Burger and pick up an order of eggplant fries. It is gray and rainy today. Lay on the couch and watch television.