Soaking wet

In the morning go to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. Go to the Criminal Justice Facility for some preliminary hearings. All the other defense lawyers are appearing my Zoom. I am going to the court to be there in person, like a soldier. In the afternoon go to the office. Later go to Orangetheory. A massive sudden pounding rainstorm hits the city while I am running on the treadmill. I run home after the workout is over as it rains. I am only outside for a couple of minutes and I am absolutely soaking wet. Dry off and lay on the couch to watch the series finale of “The Man in the High Castle”. Today was Kristine’s birthday. My mind kept me thinking about Kristine. It brought me down a little.

Since before Covid

In the morning go to the courthouse for a hearing. In the afternoon drive to Racine. Stop at McDonalds on the way down. First time at McDonalds since before Covid. Go the courthouse for a hearing. At night walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn out for the geese.

Back to Orangetheory

In the morning go to the office. Grab files. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for hearings. In the afternoon drive to Racine. Go to the jail for a consultation. Go back to Orangetheory. First time back in four months. The first ten minutes is a struggle. After that it is great. So glad to get back to working out here. Afterwards walk to Lakeshore State Park. Put out cracked corn for the geese. They run to me. Walk down to the lagoon. Put out sunflower seeds for the ducks and the little birds.

All the way to Grant Park

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn out for the geese. They go crazy. Walk home. Do a water change on the fish tank. In the afternoon ride my bike south on the Oak Leaf Trail all the way to Grant Park. Ride past the airport. Stop at Cousin’s for a sub. Ride north on 6th Street then back home. At sunset walk again to the lakefront. Put more cracked corn out for the geese. Walk north to the lagoon and put out seed for the ducks. They hop around all happy that I remembered them.

End of the Hank Aaron trail

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Find the geese out on Lakeshore State Park. Put down cracked corn. They gobble it up. Walk down to the lagoon. No ducks. Walk home. In the afternoon ride my new e-bike on the Hank Aaron Trail. Ride all the way to the end of the trail way out in Brookfield. Ride back home. Walk down to the lakefront again. Put more cracked corn out for the geese. Throw down a pile of sunflower seed chips. They turn their noses up at it. Picky eaters.

Ride the new bike to Miller Park

in the morning sit on the couch and attend court hearings using my cell phone. In the afternoon walk to Lakeshore State Park. Put out cracked corn for the geese. They chase after me looking for more. Walk to the office. Walk to the post office. Walk back to the office. Walk home. Ride my new bike. Ride to Miller Park. Ride through Three Bridges Park. Ride past the Mitchell Park Domes. Ride to Mitchell Street. Ride down to 6th Street. Ride past Lorena’s house and yell out “Hello” to everyone hanging out in front. Ride back home. At sunset walk back to Lakeshore State Park. Put out cracked corn for the geese. The get wild and crazy and disrupt an otherwise peaceful night for everyone down at the lakefront. Love the geese!

Frantically throw bread

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Go to the courthouse. Do a sentencing hearing in court with the client sitting next to me. There is a plastic shield between us. Go home. Walk down to Lakeshore State Park. Put cracked corn out for the geese. Several of them start to chase after me as I frantically throw bread at them. They are so much fun. Love the geese. Walk home just before the rain starts. Suddenly get very tired. Go to bed early.

The right to the Earth

In the morning attend a court hearing over my cell phone. Drive to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. Go to court for a preliminary hearing. In the afternoon walk to Lakeshore State Park. Feed the geese. An old lady yells at me says it messes up the walking path. I tell her that the geese have the right to the Earth just as much as humans do. She walks off mad. Walk back home. Bryce and Heather drive down to visit me. They give me their old e-bike. They come in to hang out for a while.

Work until the rain stops

In the morning do a court hearing from my cell phone while sitting on the couch. Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Drive back home. Walk to the office. It starts raining. Work until the rain stops. Walk home. Rain starts back up. Lay on the couch. Finish watching the rest of the German television series “Dark”. Go to bed early.

They flock over to me

In the morning sit on the couch waiting to do a court hearing over my cell phone. Kill time by watching a documentary on the Unabomber. In the afternoon take a nap. Wake up still tired. Walk to the Lakeshore Island. Put out cracked corn for the geese. They flock all over me. Walk over to the lagoon. It is very hot. My legs are sore. I am tired. Walk home in pain. Go to bed early.