Broken wing

In the morning walk to the office. Over lunch walk to the lakefront. Put out seed for the ducks and geese. Walk back to the office. Keep working. Walk home. Do another water change on the fish tank. Go to Orange Theory. Later walk to the lakefront again. Put out cracked corn for the ducks under the Bodhi tree. See the goose with a broken wing wander over. He moves in for some of the food. I am very happy that he got in there for some of the treats. After several minutes the other geese recognize what’s happening and move in to chase him off. They start flocking in to eat the rest. The goose with a broken wing walks over to the lagoon to take a drink of water. I am pleased that I was able to give this injured friend something to enjoy, even if it was for a short while.

Wales Station

In the morning walk to the lakefront while listening to Musica Antiqua. Put out seed for the ducks and geese. Walk home. Do a water change on the fish tank. Walk back to the lakefront again. In the afternoon ride my bike all the way to the Wales station. See two old guys bike up as well. They look totally out of energy. So am I. It is a hot day. I have pushed myself. Chased by a rain storm the whole way back. The grey skies circle all around me. Ride faster and faster. The wind sweeps up. Ride faster and faster. Make it back home just as the rain starts to fall. My whole body is sore. My muscles are shaking. I did way too much. Take a shower. Lay on the couch. Start to calm down. Fall asleep.

Club 400 Fest

In the morning go to Orange Theory. Walk to the lakefront. Put out seed for the ducks and geese. In the afternoon ride the bike out to the Town of Genesse. On the way back ride past Club 400. Take a look at the Club 400 fest. There are a handful of people there. The band is singing “Mad World” by Tears for Fears. Ride back home.

Sun setting across the Freeway overpass

In the morning drive to Racine. Go to the courthouse for a sentencing hearing. In the afternoon go to the office for a little while. Later ride my bike on the Hank Aaron trail out to 116th Street. See the sun setting across the freeway overpass. Ride to Lincoln Avenue. Ride east to the taco truck. Get some tacos. Ride past Lorena’s house. No one is there.


In the morning drive to Kenosha. I like to call it Kenowhere. Go to the courthouse for a hearing. Drive home. Go for a couple of walks down at the lakefront. Very relaxed. Gorgeous summer evening.

East side of the courthouse

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Do a Zoom hearing over my cell phone from a table along the east side of the courthouse. Walk over to the Safety Building for a real hearing in a real courtroom. Walk to the Criminal Justice Facility for a preliminary hearing. In the afternoon walk to the office to work all afternoon. Go to Orange Theory. Walk along the lakefront while listening to audio of the events from the 1960 Presidential campaign.

Take over the walking path

In the morning sit on the couch and go to court over my cell phone. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn out for the geese. They take over the walking path. Walk to the office. Work all afternoon. Walk to the post office to drop of some mail. Walk home. Looks like rain outside. Decide to take a rest day.

Take it easy at Orangetheory

In the morning go to the office. Work on a few things. In the afternoon drive to the House of Correction. Go in for a couple of consultations. Drive home. Take a short nap. Go to Orangetheory. My legs and quads are still wrecked from all the biking I did over the weekend. Take it easy at Orangetheory. Go to bed early.

Ride out to Heather’s house

Wake up still tired from the night before. Didn’t sleep well at all. Go back to bed. Wake up a little more refreshed. In the afternoon ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail. Ride west on the New Berlin trail. Ride through Waukesha. Ride onto the Glacial Drumlin trail. Ride out to Heather’s house. Eat grilled steak. Ride back home as the sunset glows behind me. Gorgeous evening.

Ride further west

In the morning go to Orangetheory. Later walk to the lakefront. Put out cracked corn for the geese. Walk to the lagoon. Put down seed for the ducks and other little birds and squirrels. In the afternoon ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail. Ride further west down the New Berlin trail. Ride to the end of the trail in Waukesha. At night drive to Pick N’Save. Get groceries. The checkout girl with purple hair is there again. She looks like she is in a bad mood though.