Ride home in the dark

In the morning attend court hearings using my cell phone. In the afternoon go to the Criminal Justice Facility for a preliminary hearing. Later ride my bike out to Heather’s house. Listen to the Milwaukee Bucks comeback win over the Miami Heat. Bucks clinch top seed in the NBA playoffs. Eat steaks. Have a creampie for desert. Ride home in the dark.

Thick film of algae

In the morning attend a court hearing over my cell phone. Walk to the office. Work all day. Walk down to the lakefront. See the duck family swimming through a thick film of algae that is covering the lagoon. In the afternoon drive out to the House of Correction for some consultations. Go to Orange Theory. Walk back to the lakefront afterwards.

The little family

In the morning walk to the office. Meet a client’s mom for an office consultation. Work the rest of the day on various things. After work ride my bike up the Oak Leaf trail to Capitol Drive. Ride to the lakefront. Go to the Bodhi tree. See a momma duck and her babies along the banks of the lagoon. Put out seed for them. She squawks at me until she sees the pile of delicious food I brought. The little family waddles over and they all dive in. Other ducks start to gather around. I put out a couple of other piles of seed for them. Ride home. It was too cold again today for early August.

They Live

Cold day. Gray skies. Sucky weather for August. In the morning sit on the couch and participate in court hearings with my cell phone. In the afternoon go to court for a preliminary hearing. My client says he tested positive for the Covid but didn’t feel sick from it. Go to Orange Theory. Watch “They Live” (1988).

Lonely Day

In the morning walk to the lakefront while listening to Musica Antiqua on WORT-FM from Madison. Walk home and do another water change on the fish tank. Ride the bike out to 116th Street. Ride east on Lincoln Avenue. Get home just as the rain starts. Drive to Pick N’ Save to go grocery shopping. Go home and watch “Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives” (2010). Listen to the Bucks lose to the Houston Rockets while drifting on and off to sleep.

Springdale Road

In the morning go to Orange Theory. Do a water change on the fish tank. In the afternoon ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail. Ride to Greenfield Golf Course. Ride west on the New Berlin trail. Ride out to Springdale Road. Ride back home. Suddenly get super tired. Go to bed way too early.

Glad to hear that

Very poor night of sleep. I sit in bed listening to the road crew on the freeway talking and working on some kind of road repair. Watch the reflection of their lights coming throught the window and bouncing off my bedroom walls. In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. Walk over to the preminary hearing court. Cross examine the police. Walk down to Old World Third Street. Stop at Brick Pizza. Eat a slice. Walk back to the jail. Go in for another consultation. Walk over to the preliminary hearing court. Cross examine the police. Drive home. Take a short little nap. Ride my bike on the Hank Aaron trail out to 116th Street. Listen to the Milwaukee Bucks game. The season is underway again. Ride down Lincoln Avenue. Ride past Lorena’s house. Everyone is there! Talk to Lorena. She tells me that Kristine is getting fat. I am glad to hear that. Ride down to the lakefront. Put seed around the Bodhi tree. The ducks come up and out of the lagoon to eat. Ride home. Watch “Bridge of Spies” (2015).

Greenfield Golf Course

In the morning walk to the office. Work all morning. Walk to Real Chili for lunch. Get a chili dog and potato chips. Work in the early afternoon. In the later afternoon ride on my bike. Ride out to the Greenfield Golf course. See the golfers out enjoying a nice summer afternoon. Ride east on Lincoln Avenue. Ride down to Lorena’s house. No one is there again. Ride to the office. Work for a little while. Ride down to the lakefront. Put seed out around the Bodhi tree. The ducks swim up from the lagoon to eat up. Ride back home. Do some laundry. Text Latia. Watch “The Post” (2018).

The sky is admiring its reflection

In the morning sit on the couch with my cell phone to do court hearings over Zoom. In the afternoon ride my bike to Fox Point. Stop at Wheel and Sprocket to buy a new storage pack for the rack on the back of the bike. It snaps on perfectly. Ride bike down to Lincoln Park. Take a picture of the sky admiring its reflection in the Milwaukee River. Scream and yell at the demon in my head to get the fuck out. We battle then and there in the park. The demon is driven out. Ride back home. Sit down and write out my plan to prepare for my bike ride to Madison challenge. Go to Orange Theory. Walk to the lakefront. See the goose with a broken wing. Put out a huge pile of cracked corn under the Bodhi tree. He waddles up to the pile and eats. Gets it all to himself. He shares with the ducks that gather around too. Walks over to the lagoon for a long drink of water. Then goes back to the pile of corn to keep eating. Walk home happy. Watch “Dolemite is My Name” (2019).


In the morning walk to the office. An attorney stops by to pick up a file. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Put out seed for the geese and the ducks. Walk up to Brady Street. Stop at Qdoba. Get a quesadilla. Go to the second floor and eat the quesadilla on the outdoor deck overlooking Brady Street. Walk back to the office. Walk home. Try several times to build the energy to go for a bike ride. Give up. Go to bed while the sun is still in the sky.