Repaving is underway

In the morning do a couple of court hearings on my cell phone. Walk to Ben’s Cycle to pick up my bike. Mitchell Street is closed. Repaving is underway. Pick up my bike. The broke spoke is fixed. The bike rides better. Ride down to the lakefront. Put out seed under the Bodhi tree. Go to the office in the afternoon to work. Ride my bike up the Oak Leaf Trail out to Silver Spring Drive. Stop at Kopp’s for a sundae. Ride back down to the lakefront. The duck family is waiting for me again. Put down a nice pile of seed. Put peanuts in the crooks of the Bodhi tree. A squirrell rests high up on the tree watching me.

Seeing excited ducks recharges me

Rainy and dark morning. Do a court appearance over my cell phone. Ride my bike to Ben’s Cycle shop on the southside. Leave it there to be repaired. Walk home. See various people on the south side relaxing on their porches. Drive to Racine. Go to the courthouse for a jury trial. Case is adjourned. Client released from custody. Drive home. Walk down to the lakefront. Put seed all around the Bodhi tree. I was very tired as I walked over. Seeing the excited ducks hopping around recharges me.

Everything is out of there

In the morning walk to the office. Go to my temporary headquarters. Walk over to my real office. Everything is out of there. It is ready to be torn up and redone. Work until the early afternoon. Get tired. Walk home and take a nap. At night walk down to the lakefront. Find the duck family. The mother sees me and starts calling out to her kids. They come running. Put down a huge pile of seed. The other ducks swim out into the lagoon. They wait for me to leave. Then they fly in and jump on the other piles of seed.

Grabbing the peanuts

In the morning walk down to the lakefront while listening to Musica Antiqua on WORT-FM from Madison. Put seed under the Bodhi tree. There are a bunch of geese there this morning. They jump on the food. In the afternoon ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trial and the New Berlin trail. Ride on the Glacial Drumlin trail until I get too sore to go any further. At night go back down to the lakefront. The little duck family is there waiting for me. They don’t wait for me to walk to them. They come running for me. Put down a big pile of seed. Put some peanuts with shells in the knots of the Bodhi tree. A squirrell watches me. After I move off he comes down to start grabbing the peanuts. He is happy tonight.

Diagnose the problem

In the morning go to Orangetheory. Walk to the lakefront. Put seed around the Bodhi tree. Ride bike to Fox Point. Go to Wheel and Sprocket to get the back wheel on the bike fixed. They are too busy. Ride to Whitefish Bay. Go to Erik’s. The kid working there tries to help but he is in over his head. Ride to Ben’s on the southside. They immediately diagnose the problem. Spokes are loose and one is broken. Tell me to come back Tuesday and they will fix it. Walk down to the lakefront to put seed under the Bodhi tree. The little duck family is waiting there for me.

Wave to everyone

In the morning go to the jail for a consultation. In the afternoon do another consultation with an incarcerated client over the telephone. Ride my bike up the Hank Aaron trail out to 116th Street. Ride down Lincoln Avenue to 6th Street. Ride past Lorena Cardenas’ house. Wave to everyone hanging out there as I ride by. Go down to the lakefront. Put more seed under the Bodhi tree.

Protest at the Democrat convention

In the morning go to the courthouse for a hearing. Walk to the lakefront to put seed around the Bodhi tree. In the afternoon have a consultation with an incarcerated client over the telephone. At night ride around the convention center while the Democrat convention is not going on inside. The entire block is surrounded by barriers and police. There is nobody inside to protect. Joe Biden is in Delaware. Gives his acceptance speech there. Great delivery. Good speech. Outside a small protest marches around. Not much of a protest. This isn’t Chicago in ’68 that’s for sure.

Waiting at the Bodhi tree

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Drive out to the House of Correction. Go in for another consultation. Drive back home. The parking lot is blocked. They are power washing the freeway supports. They are going to paint murals on them. I have to park across the street. Go to Orange Theory. Walk down to the lakefront. The little duck family is waiting at the Bodhi tree. They walk right up to me. I pour down the seed for them. They eat it all up. Walk back home. Get my car out of the other parking lot and drive it back around into my spot. Listen to some more of the Democrat convention.

Jump around all happy

In the morning go to the jail for a consultation. Drive to the House of Correction for more consultations. Walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Riverside High School. Walk east to Lake Park. Walk down to the lakefront. Put out seed all around the Bodhi tree. The ducks jump around all happy.

A bunch of Ice Mountain

In the morning make some phone calls. Go to the jail for a consultation. Drive out to Sam’s Club. Buy a bunch of Ice Mountain. Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for two more consultations. Drive home. Go to Orange Theory. It starts raining. Decide to go to bed early.